Chapter 2700 Upcoming Projects

In the afternoon, Adelaide closed the store and popped champagne with her future family. Dylan had changed out of his police uniform and was now wearing something casual for the occasion.

“CHEERS, guys!” Adelaide exclaims, “May this be the beginning of a long path of success for our Cardozo’s store!”

“VIVA!” Everyone clinks their champagne glasses.

Dylan looked around as he sipped. Then he began, “Addie, you’re going to need a store inspector or private security guard. There are many valuable products here, and this can attract undesirable people.”

“It’s a shame you can’t help me.” Adelaide joked. “I know this will be necessary.”

Amoreira nodded. “The fact that we have Crystal Blue just a few steps away makes it more ‘attractive’ for criminals. Only people with high purchasing power walk along this sidewalk.”

Brigitte gestures. “Argh, guys, let’s not talk about that right now. Now is the time to celebrate.”

Dylan smiles, “My little sister is right.”

Caio wraps his free arm around Brig
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