Chapter 2759 Model Without Bad Influence
At Quantium Agency, Karen took improvised photos in a green setting, striking poses ordered by the agency’s photographer. She smiled, crossed her arms, blew kisses, sat on a stool and crossed her legs, etc.

Cláudio was around, smiling at the result. Everything indicated that Karen would be approved and offered a good contract to be part of their cast. Maybe Karen will be able to catwalk in the fashion show that Josias organizes for charity...

“There, Karen, congratulations!” The photographer smiled. “You did great! I can’t wait for the photos.”

“Thanks.” Karen smiled at Cláudio as if to say ‘I killed it’!

Cláudio’s agent leaned in to gossip, “Did you know? Angel Store signed a contract with us and will use our models for their commercials. It seems like Karen would be perfect for this type of commercial.”

“Serious?” Cláudio widened his smile. “Does Karen already have a job waiting for her?”

“Well, some are turning down work, so there’s room for others.” His agent responded with a
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