The Escape Prisoner

“Kim went to Boa today, right? Robert has been there since last week, he said he had a lot of work to do. There are quite a lot of patients at the clinic. Heh, that guy, it's so easy to make money," said Sam, trying to lighten the atmosphere. But as usual, he was just talking to the wind, Dakota wasn't at all interested in responding.

Sam will continue folding the clothes of the young master who is still sitting leaning on his bed. The doctor had not yet come to discharge him. He was so serious about what he was doing until he heard the sound of the door opening from outside.


Then, the sound of heavy footsteps on the velvet carpet of the VVIP floor. Sam widened his eyes, what was Kim doing there?

"Oh, you said you were flying to Boa, what are you doing here?" Sam asked. Kim put out her bag, and sat on the couch with a sullen face. She looked at Dakota with sharp eyes, even though from his appearance at that time, he looked very ready to go to Boa.

"Well, just ask that monster, w
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