
11 ratings


By: Sweet_SourKiwi Updated just nowMystery/Thriller

Language: English

Chapters: 311 views: 5.8K

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Mystery, action, killer, and bloody romance, prepare your heart before reading, some scenes may disturbing. ******* The deepest mind of humans is scary, you can never know how deep it was even it's your own mind, and everybody really has dark matter floating around their chest and just wait the very right time to explode. Dakota Sorrenson, a profiler, a young man with the deepest mind who knows how the dark mind works, thought his life never going to be so weird more than he was until a package with hand arrive at his office, someone being playing the mind with him. While Sam Danson is a fine young cold head detective, his sharp and deep analysis of the criminal is different from how Dakota sees it, together they try to figure out every step of the sadistic crime with an unthinkable method has been done. This is getting darker and full of mystery, unsolved crimes and unthinkable results, it's full of nerve cracking, get ready for the worse than you can even think about.

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CRIME BOOK 101 Novels Online Free PDF Download

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  • Justreader003


    this book is great, the crime solving and how the ML's inreract is so interesting, really enjoyable to read this, its genious!!!

    2023-04-26 02:38:13
  • Count Doggo


    The story is intriguing, and the title of the story really stick to the plot.

    2022-09-02 17:28:06
  • Yenny Chen


    this is a great story . the author have very creative idea to write the detail of story.....

    2022-08-31 06:44:58
  • Magic_castle


    That was so cool. A great work..Love it so much. Waiting for more chaps even though I am still at chap 6...............

    2022-08-30 18:17:19
  • husnida idoet


    its good story, little bit scary, i love the character Dakota, he looks so cool!!

    2022-08-22 13:16:30
  • Aqilatul Munawaroh


    such a great story, always enjoying chapter by chapter of your novel , waiting the next^▽^

    2022-08-22 10:06:13
  • lilith03


    so far so good, its suspense triller, i love the feeling when read it gosh! so tensed

    2022-04-07 14:30:13
  • Yenny Chen


    wow this is a good story... you are so creative idea write this book...waiting next........

    2022-04-07 09:53:46
  • shouldbeme exy


    I always like all of your story sour kiwi, wherever you write it make my imagination Colourful with your magic story. Awaiting your next ;)

    2022-04-06 14:42:53
  • Stephanie Rose


    what a good novel to read, it open your mind with good plot twist ...

    2022-04-05 21:35:25
  • Maribel Claudio


    The book is great but I believe it's not complete. I'm waiting for updates.

    2023-04-29 20:50:37
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311 chapters
“Shutt” a whispering voice, in the darkness of the night where all that could be seen was a faint light from the single vintage hanging lamp in the center of the room. A small room filled with various heavy equipment such as spears and fishing hooks."Umm"There was a muttering voice, holding back tears, a mouth tightly gagged with a dark cloth, maybe red. A pair of eyes staring in fear, a woman's eyes, still complete with eye makeup that was messed up by her tears"Hu hu .." her crying voice was muffled and sounded trembling. Heavy steps get closer and stomp like a giant on the wrecked wooden deck floor. A tall, large figure, dressed in black resembling a raincoat stopped, carrying a horrible tool which still drenched with blood dripping to the floor. You can still hear the dripping which getting louder and louder by the time."Ummm! Ummm!!” Heartbreaking screams, even with gagged mouths still sound horrible.The floor floated as if on a boat, the lights above the hanging ceiling ma
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Case 00
"Clang!"The sound of the metal door grinding against the frigid floor echoed through the confined space.In the dimly lit and chilly room, measuring three by three with barely any visible light, only a faint glow seeped in through the barred holes near the ceiling.This was one of the isolation cells in a highly secure prison, designed to keep the most dangerous individuals away from society.The warden pushed open the door and stepped inside. There sat the prisoner, handcuffed in a corner. Despite the maximum security, this person was kept secluded from the lights and commotion, still bound by handcuffs.A sly smirk could be sensed from the person seated within the feeble illumination as two officers pulled them, still in handcuffs, out of the room."Let's go!" the officers commanded.The prison was carefully designed to prevent any escape attempts, with multiple layers of security guards and extensive CCTV surveillance.That afternoon, Dakota was joined by Thomas, a seasoned detecti
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a Package
Shortly thereafter, at the imposing entrance of the high-level prison, Dakota and Thomas were accompanied by Warden Carlos, who guided them through the gates.Curiosity got the better of Thomas, and he inquired about the reason for the madman's confinement in solitary."What did he do to end up in solitary? He seems to relish it," Thomas asked Carlos, who held a supervisory position a few levels below the chief.Carlos explained,"He challenged a fellow inmate who's serving a life sentence here. Rather than merely defending himself, this guy went berserk. With just a plastic fork, he fearlessly stabbed the much larger prisoner, almost as if it were effortless. If no one had intervened, he might have finished the man off without breaking a sweat."Thomas couldn't help but smirk at the thought of Dakota's audacity."He's a real madman, isn't he? Does anyone else dare to confront him?" he inquired.With a sinister smile, Carlos responded,"Hehe, I doubt anyone will dare to even cross his
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My Hand For You
The sun has just sparked at the huge metal beam at the building construction site.The camera shutter dominates the scene.Sam approached Emma who was first arriving, as usual.A charred body was found by the construction foreman as he started his shift that morning, hanging from the end of the crane with the big chain, still with a slight smoke billowing from its black body.Several officers from the police had to use special security equipment to retrieve the body.Even after getting close, they were still struggling because the chains binding the body were still hot from the burning residue.Sam shook his head."Heh they are so innovative huh, doing the killing in such a spectacular way, amazing, what is this some kind of competition?"Emma took a deep breath, she'd been wearing her latex gloves a while now, but the poor body was still hanging there."You think this is some kind of competition?""Well if it's not, then what? Once a week there are strange and saddest killings as if t
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Over Cooked
Autopsy room.Emma pulled off the cover, the poor body so charred that it wasn't clear whether it was a woman or a man. The bones were almost visible with blackened flesh like overcooked steak. A preliminary check showed it was female.Her whole body was blackened, some bones were even visible between the flesh that had almost turned to charcoal. Her eyes widened as if they were about to fall from the socket. The eyelids were burnt out, the poor eye screamed as if it witnessed the second her life ripped from her body.Her hands were still in the initial position, both in a tied position over her head. That's what Emma and other coroners were trying to fix at least to make its position back to normal before the follow-up autopsy was carried out.Smoke was still slightly rising from between the bones as if it was overcooked meat.Sam entered with Dakota.Emma approached with her note sheet with the data she had collected."This is the report result about the body from Rina before she goe
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A Consultant
"Erm well, that's what I thought too Dax," said Sam.Dakota looked at the board carefully, every picture in front of him might give them a very important clue."The actor wants to show how he can put on such a big show and how they managed to end it perfectly, they are even willing to do dangerous things to show how high their confidence level is, the thing is, in this world, there is no such as a perfect crime," said Dakota, He wouldn't be surprised because the victim's photo does look familiar." I know! It's like one of the titles of your lectures, that is very famous, right? I've watched the video over and over again, it's so cool, Prof" exclaimed Rina.Sam turned to Rina, frowning asking what the young woman meant."Which video?""That' one, the title is 'no crime is perfect' so in the lecture, Prof gave examples of some tough murder cases that were almost unsolvable. But even though no culprit was found, the crime was still imperfect, because some evidence was left, only it will
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Sam was still sitting in his office.It's eight o'clock in the evening and his eyeball hasn't moved yet from staring at the whiteboard ever since, lifting his head when he sees Dakota appear at the door."Dax, why don't you just go home?"Dakota approached and looked at some of the photos that Sam and the team had arranged on the board.He just keeps being calm and quiet, as he used to be, just observing with forehead furrowed deeply, sometimes Sam has a little doubt does this young man heard him or not.Sam came out of his desk with a plastic bag filled with a piece of a letter in the package that Dakota had received."Do you recognize this handwriting? This letter was addressed to you, I'm afraid that person might still be following your every step, you should be careful Dax. We found this in the very bottom of the box and haven't sent it to the lab because Aris just found this not long ago. It is almost hidden"Dakota glanced at the clear plastic in Sam's hand, the letter with a pap
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Bad Dream
"Eckkh" his neck was pressed tightly, the two big hands were choking him as hard as he could, making him hard to breathe.Dakota tried to break off the hand but he couldn't, his strength was nothing compared to the big figure who sat on his chest and strangled him with both of his big hands. He was short of breath, no matter how hard he tried to draw his breath was running out, soon he might die, he thought.But...He opened his eyes wide and could only see the darkness around him, his breath was heavy, but at least he could breathe again, that was just a dream, it was his bed, his room.A dream, it was the same repeated dream that kept stuck in his mind all this time, as if it was real, he could die from it, some kind of trauma, which was too much for him.As a psychiatrist, he could read the deepest thoughts of every first-class criminal's brain he had worked with but he missed the most important thing, he even opened some free consultation sections at social institutions for some pe
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Past Tense
Rina handed a piece of report paper in front of Sam."Then, what was the result?"Sam frowned after reading the test results on the paper which caused Dakota's hand to almost get burned."Sulfur? Again?"Rina nodded."Yes, the substance was neatly folded in a piece of paper and spread when Dakota read it, we've been keeping it in plastic so there's very little physical contact"Sam straightened up in his seat."Well also because Dakota has a severe allergic reaction to some chemicals like this, so for him, it will be more severe. The package sender seems to know Dakota so well, that he knows such details, this is very worrying"Rina pointed at Dakota's desk."Is the wound really serious? Does he need someone to take care of him at home? Oh It's a pity he's alone in the apartment, he can't cook with a hand like that, it seems like I have to go there and take care of him"Sam looked at Rina sharply."Don't mess around, you're not his girlfriend or anything. Dakota has classes at universi
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A Show
Claudia was depressed and deeply obsessed with Dakota. She went crazy when the young man said they were just a friend, but the girl wanted more than that. She goes crazy every time someone comes near Dakota and holds his hand, she was often getting into catfights because of the young man.The girl can't stand it anymore, up into one long night, she put sleeping pills on the young man's drink and took him out of town.There was no news for two days, until one day Dakota managed to contact her, saying that Claudia might be in trouble.Claudia killed a young man who she said was going to rape her and stabbed him dozens of times. What Dakota said was the exact opposite, he couldn't be lying if it was Claudia who killed the young man for trying to help Dakota escape. A young woman, who seemed delicate and helpless, but can kill without blinking, everyone thought she was just a weak young girl. Although Dakota's testimony was doubted by some people including Katrin as her sister, the evidenc
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