Chapter 48

"I can't see the spark, the radiance that surrounds you when I first encountered you, Invictus! What can you do all by yourself?!"

Jorp must have hit his head or Invictus must have kicked him hard for his comprehension to become low. He was not getting what Invictus was explaining to him and kept repeating the same question over and over again.

Jorp was on all fours, weak and unable to fight back after throwing up a couple of times now.

"Telling you how I'll achieve my goals will just go inside from one ear and left to another. So, let me show you this."

Invictus tightly grabbed Jorp by his hair, lifting his head up to see what he was about to do. In his hand was his weapon, his short sword, catching Jorp's attention as the tip slowly crept on Invictus' neck.

"If you blink, you will not see what I am about to do. Therefore, keep your eyes open. I'll only do this once since it sure will hurt like a bitch."

Invictus was about to inflict pain on himself, something he does not usually do,
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