Chapter 32

Andre sighed as he set down the two backpacks of canteens. In all honesty, aside from being the water boy, which he was doing well at being, there wasn’t much of a difference from just watching Rafe train in the gym for several hours.

Although, the process seemed a bit more rigorous. Coach Hemming, the head instructor, in the span of forty-five minutes, subjected them to one brutal workout after another. Running with weights, pinky pushups, seemingly endless shadow boxing, and many other things that would kill a normal person.

All without the use of powers. Gia Hallsworth, eat your heart out.

Thankfully, the wolf coach was satisfied with the energy he had stolen from them and called for a five-minute before their last session.

“You know, to be honest, this doesn’t seem too different from FTS,” Andre mentioned to Rafe as he refilled the canteens for the others, who looked like they were about to drop dead at any second.

Rafe, however, appeared lively and glowing more than ever in his d
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