P2 Chapter 25: Raya's Progeny
Andrew led the way as they headed back toward the great hall. “Come, it is time to return to Durres.”

As they passed into the grand hall, Alexa let out a shocked squeak as two men grabbed her arms from either side. Anika and Andrew spun back to her and Anika drew a dagger.

Conner’s two younger brothers held Alexa. “Lookie what we found. A murderous little bitch.”

Lord Devos stepped out of the shadows then with a man that Alexa felt bore a striking resemblance to lieutenant Tannis. “Ah, goddess Anika, you saved me a lot of trouble bringing this traitor to me. I thank you. the Praetorian guard has already been summoned. After all, the death of the son of Senator Palmos cannot hardly be overlooked.”

“Lord Governor Devos, you will release Alexa now. If you don’t, you will find I am far more than you can afford to offend.” Andrew said coldly.

“Son, don’t play here.” Governor Devos said, snapping his fingers. Twenty home guard stepped out of the shadows and surrounded them. General Ezra
Drew Archeron

I hated leaving this book where ti was but could never decide what would be a good ending. it is one of those never ending tales. but now I feel like this is a good place to end book one. I will close this tale now, and in the future a book two is likely but I will write it offline first and complete it before it shows up on the app. For now, I am working on Rejected Billionaire and another tale called Valkyrie Black.

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