Chapter 140 unedited

Sky did not speak a word and simply stood there next to Mister M. without making any further observations. Following a brief moment in which their eyes met, Mister M. spoke in a voice so low that it was easy to miss what he said.

"It's ."

"I'm sky."

That wraps up the discussion that was included in the introduction. However, it wasn't long before everyone's attention was drawn to the foreman.

She remarked, "....What a great guy you are."

sky, in a similar manner, created a change in his vision.

The foreman appeared to be having a very serious conversation with a regular person who must have been an employee of the Guild. This conversation was taking place in a location that was a little bit apart from where they were working. When Sky concentrated his attention on the conversation more attentively, he was able to pick up on the specifics of what was being said.

"...The raid team still hasn't surfaced from the dungeon after all this time? You did say that they had already finished it,
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