Chapter Twenty: Jackie

'You are late today.' Neil said curtly when she arrived at the appointed place.

Jackie slipped her bag off her shoulder and slid into the booth, thankful for the release taking off the weight of it had afforded her.

'I am. I guess you are now free to call me my father's daughter.'

The 'meeting place' was a restaurant too, like the first one, but this one was more secluded. At the corner of these street, a sign hanging on the glass of its door boasted of the finest mac-and-cheese in the city. An OPEN sign lay at the other side of the glass. Jackie pushed the door open and stepped in. There was no bell jangle. But she was immediately assailed by the strong aroma of food, of foreign spices and culinary miracles. A woman was emerging from the store with a baby on her hip, trying to squeeze past Jackie, but when she caught a glimpse of Jackie's face, she backpedaled and gave her a wide berth.

What was that about? Jackie had wondered. The sheer brutality of what she had just witnesse
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