Chapter 72

Even though Logan was sure that Rafe would be too preocKeldaed with camp stuff to notice them, he took the three elves over to the far side of the ravine for some privacy. They were now closer to the opening of the rock formation, but far enough away from the road that it didn’t really matter. Nobody would bother them all the way out there.

“The water looks fine, guys!” Logan smiled as he waded into the shallow part of the river. “Not a very strong current, and it’s pretty clean by desert standards. It’s no Olympic-sized swimming pool, but it’ll do for now.”

“Are you going to keep your pants on this time?” Abina frowned as she looked at Logan’s boxer shorts.

“Maybe,” Logan shrugged. “There could be fish in here, and I don’t need them mistaking my dick for a piece of bait. Besides, this water is frigid. There’s going to be some significant shrinkage going on.”

All three of the girls stood on the bank of the river and stared blankly.
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