After David's battered colleagues recovered, they all returned to work.

David saw how they avoided him, Tim was still limping and even though he glared at David, he dare not come close to him.

When they arrived at the new site, everyone waited outside, waiting for the team leader to brief them.

He stepped out of the car, a steaming cup of coffee in his hands.

He noticed the way the rest of them stayed away from David, but he pretended not to see.

"Alright folks, thanks to God that the injured are back from the hospital."

Tim and his friends snorted and looked away, but again, they couldn't do more than that.

"Now, here is what's going to happen because this is a huge house and we have to be done by the end of the day." He pointed.

He looked at them, one after the order, rubbing his chin.

"Okay, Tim and David to the first floor–"

"I'd rather eat a bag of shit…" Tim muttered under his breath.

It was a comment that was meant for his ears and his friends too, but somehow it made
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