David Wyatt : Secret Billionaire Heir

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David Wyatt : Secret Billionaire Heir

By: Esther Writes CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 122 views: 36.1K

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David Wyatt's life is full of so many struggles. His girlfriend broke up with him because he couldn't take care of her and his mates makes fun of him. His life takes on a drastic turn when he finds out that he is in fact the secret son of the most wealthy man in the country. Will David make all his enemies pay for treating him badly? Is he ready to face all the huge problems that come with being so filthy rich?

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  • Loreto Mahinay


    Mgnda sana ang kas0 nakalock nman sayang load

    2023-08-18 11:49:00
  • Gabakwane Seabelo Morowane


    Enjoyable ...

    2023-10-21 13:38:30
  • Sylwyn


    the story's going pretty good. but improper sentence structure, improper tenses and pronouns are distracting.

    2024-01-12 16:38:44
Latest Chapter
122 chapters
David Wyatt glanced at his cheap wristwatch. The loud music was supposed to be serene, but it was racking his nerves. All he wanted was a quiet romantic dinner with his girlfriend, Natalie. " They have great crabs here." He cleared his throat, but it was just to get her attention. She finally looked at him, rolling her eyes in irritation." Ew, that's like the cheapest thing around here." She looked away. David sighed as he pulled out his wallet. He counted the money and found out he didn't have enough. He could give her a little bit of a luxurious dinner, but that would mean eating ramen for the next two weeks for him. Well, fuck it. He loved Natalie that much, he would make that sacrifice for her. " Waiter!" He waved his hand to get attention. A waiter appeared in front of them. " Good day, what will you be ordering today?" He smiled at both of them. Natalie wasn't there, her eyes were glued to her phone. " Natalie." David slowly called her attention. " Let's forget about
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David was surprised, no one had ever been this kind to him. He was grateful, but didn't know how to show it. “ Thank you, sir.” He said. “ You have just bailed me out.” “ It's okay, it's nothing huge.” The man sat on a chair one of his guards pulled out for him. He gestured, and some drink was poured into a shot glass for him. “ What's your name again, son?” The man asked without looking at him. “ David Wyatt.” He answered. “ You seem like a smart kid. Are you a smart kid?” He puffed out smoke.“ I always hope to be doing the smart thing. I try my best.” David shrugged. He smirked, but he continued to drink. None of the waiters moved, everyone was standing in a fixed position. “ How many more of the bottles he spilled do you guys still have?” He asked the head waiter. “ Um… ten here and seventy others in the storage room.” The head waiter answered. “ Bring them all out.” The waiters all looked at each other in shock. “ But sir, that would cost you over two hundred thousa
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David was beyond surprised, many shocking things were happening to him today, and he couldn't even comprehend it. This old man was bowing down to him? And a referral of his father?! The man he never knew?!He has been poor all his life, barely being able to afford food. And now a very rich man was saying that he works for his father?!He wanted to doubt everything and conclude it to be a dream, but yet, no one came to harass him for all the bottles he broke. So maybe it wasn't a dream. The man laughed at the confusion on his face, David didn't have the strength to laugh. "I'm confused," David confessed. " I don't have a father." " You do." The man said. " And he is a very wealthy man."David wiped his jaw as he looked at the man. " Don't worry, it will all make sense to you very soon." The man assured. He took out a special type of card and handed it to David. David took it and ran his hand over the card. It was black and the numbers were punched into the card with gold lining
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4The owner got closer and everyone went quiet. She was a rich young lady whom Ethan and Dre hardly saw. They were employed by the fat man, her wicked manager, and he was the one who stood up to answer his boss. " I told you, ma'am, these boys are not up to any good." He sneered. " They bashed my car and ruined it." She grunted as she looked at the car, she frowned very deeply when she saw the small dent. She was squinting at David's face, it was like she was more concerned with him than the car. " Look, we don't want trouble." David raised his hands. " Ethan and Dre are sorry about it, and I will compensate you for it." " You want to tell me that you have the money?" The fat man laughed. " You think this is a joke or something?" The man wanted to make it an issue bigger than it already was, he wanted to involve the police too. " Do I know you?" She hummed as she held her chin. " Me?" David glanced around. "I'm.. not sure." " One thing that is sure is that you are going to j
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5" Tell me, David!" Dre begged. " Are we now rich because you fucked our boss?!"David only smirked as he opened the door of the apartment they shared. Ethan was leaning against the wall, he was tired from the day's activities. " Leave David alone, will you?" Ethan sighed. " He didn't sleep with her!" " Did you see the way she looked at him?!" Dre asked. " She was begging him to take her to bed!" " Maybe it's because I was very confident about getting you guys out." David laughed. " Isn't confidence the key to everything?"He unlocked the door and they walked into the house. Ethan walked straight to the fridge to get a cold bottle of water. Dre was brooding as he walked in. " That means that we aren't rich?" He asked. " You didn't have the money to compensate for the car, you punk!" " Shut up, Dre," Ethan growled. " If David becomes rich today, it's HIS money, not ours." " Go to bed already, Dre." David Pat his back. " You still have to work tomorrow." " Well, I guess." Dre
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6The whole room fell silent immediately. Did David just really throw that insulting question at Nick?Nick was a rich kid and his parents gave him everything that he had always wanted, but nothing made him madder than people not acknowledging how rich he was. Everyone held their breath as Nick stumped and came to stand directly in front of David. They are both huge boys, but David is a few feet above his height. " What did you say to me, fool?" Nick growled. " Are you as rich as you think?" David's corner lips curved with a smile. " Are you fucking kidding me?" Nick huffed. He turned away from David and looked at everyone. " So this guy just asked if I was as rich as I portrayed myself!" He said. " But I will show him now. Free meals for everyone at this party!"The freebies-hungry crowd cheered with claps. " For everyone except Wyatt and his nerdy friends!" Nick added. " They will have to pay for themselves!" "Oh, damn it!" Dre complained from behind David. " I came here fo
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"Okay, I appreciate the fact that you are trying to get to that bitch, Nick, but this is a little too much," Ethan said to David. It had now dawned on everyone, just how real this had gotten. The waiters were bringing in the bottles of the drink and even the music stopped. They were placing them on a middle table, in front of everyone. The guests were all talking to themselves, some were even taking pictures because they had never seen something like this. Nick was looking with a mixture of anger and shock, the waiters were just bringing more and more bottles. " What is he doing?!" Natalie wondered." I thought you said he couldn't afford to pay for your meal yesterday?" Nick angrily turned to her. " Why is he purchasing so much wine now?!"Natalie couldn't believe it too, but then she smiled at Nick and came closer to him. " Maybe he is just trying to act rich." She told him. " What?" " Maybe he doesn't even have the money and would probably return them afterward." She said,
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David was mad about what had happened. " Why did you ask them to return my drinks?!" He asked. " How did you come up with the bright idea that I wasn't going to be able to pay for them?" The manager sighed as he pushed his glasses back. " Come on, man, you are going to make me say it again?" He lamented. " You are dressed in the cheapest suits that I have seen. How would you be able to pay for those bottles?" David sharply looked at his clothes, he wasn't pleased with what he heard. Yeah, his clothes were old, but they were neat and presentable. Dre walked up to the manager and almost slapped him if not for Ethan pulling him away. " You are so lucky that I am being held back!" Dre screamed. " I would have smacked some manners into you! How dare you speak to my friend like that?!" David put a hand on Dre's shoulder to calm him, but he was also boiling on the inside. " Let's enjoy the party, guys," David concluded. " I don't think any of this was even worth it." " Oh no, there
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Rosie looked flawless in her black dress which showed her beautiful back. She had a full-back tattoo that made her look like someone straight out of a fantasy movie. Everyone was looking at her, but she was looking at David. His jaw was on the ground and he was too shocked to even answer the question she asked him. She understood completely and laughed. She gave him a small hug and then held his hand. Her warm finger seemed to give him back his consciousness and he found himself smiling like a schoolboy at the sight of his first crush. " What are you doing here?" She calmly asked him. " I would have made special reservations for you." Everyone was shocked at this small conversation, they couldn't believe that David would have anything to do with a girl like this. Rosie turned to Dre and Ethan and winked at them playfully. " Hey, boys." " Hey, Miss Rosie!" They answered with pink cheeks. Her eyes settled on David again and she slightly raised her eyebrows, he hadn't answered
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10David, Ethan, and Dre were outside the bathroom door. They were waiting for Rosie because she asked them to. From here, they could hear the loud sound of the music from the hall, where the party was taking place. They were all leaning against the wall, but Dre's eyes were fixed on David. " What do I have to do to get your fucking eyes off me?" David complained. " See, I knew he fucked her." Dre nudged Ethan. " But why would he even lie about it?"Ethan now believes that was a brewing relationship between David and their female boss. He didn't jump to defend David like he used to do, he was more occupied with thinking about everything that happened at the party. The door opened and Rosie came out. Her hands were just washed and a white handkerchief was in her hand. She walked straight to David and started to wipe out the small stain of wine on his face. It had left a pink mark there, but no one even noticed, except her. She gently dabbed till the stain started to go away. D
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