The New Family

"My name is Charles! I would thank you first for saving my son,"

The middle aged man introduced himself and thanked him.

Even though, he thanked him, Sen didn't feel any kind of real sincerity in that thanks.

"Oh it's my duty to protect my companions, you are being too polite Sir!"

Sen was quite adaptive man since he saw the man had terrifying amount of power stored in him, his expressions were extremely respectful.

"Haha! It seems you are actually young?"

The eyes of Charles squinted as he observed this fairly young man.

"Yes sir, my current appearance is my real age."

Listening this, the book fell on the ground.

Charles was astonished for a second as he sent some beast energy to check out the real age of Sen.

Because he couldn't believe that a young genius like him was allowed by a mere little black tiger clan to travel freely.

Even the guild wouldn't let him go out without hidden security.

"You're a prodigy my boy! Are you associated with anyone in the guild?"

Charles asked cautiou
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