Chap 7 Pink Liquid.

The sweat dripped down his brow, but he knew that all his hard work would be worth it when he saw the fruits of his labor flourish in this newly cultivated land. He didn't stop there; he grabbed a watering can and watered all the beds thoroughly, ensuring that the soil was adequately moist for optimal plant growth.

"Now, let's sow."

He retrieved 50 tomato seeds from the system and scattered them on one nursery bed. Then, he took out 50 lettuce seeds and scattered them on the other nursery bed. He carefully covered the seeds with a thin layer of soil, making sure they were protected and had the right conditions to germinate. With a sense of anticipation, he imagined the vibrant red tomatoes and crisp green lettuce that would soon fill his garden, providing nourishment for himself and his loved ones.

Taking a deep breath, he asked himself, "What else?"

He couldn't seem to remember anything else that needed to be done. A smile formed at the corner of his mouth. "This is not too difficult for me. I knew I could do it."

He gathered the watering cane, rake, mattock, and hoe and sauntered into the building, stowing them away in the bunker. Afterwards, he returned outside to attend to a barrel that still held a substantial amount of water, despite his previous use for bathing and watering the garden. He knew he had to use water carefully.

As he maneuvered the barrel into the building, a sudden realization struck him just as he was about to enter the path leading to his rooms. His mind flashed with a bright idea, causing his eyes to twitch and halt his movement instantly.

"No, I must acquire that particular item from the store. I need to give it a try."

Immediately after remembering that, he opened the store and looked for a product called the "fertilizer gem." It was about the size of his fist, with an irregular shape resembling a rock. It was pink in colour and it emitted a faint glow.

The fertilizer gem had captured his attention the first time he browsed the store. Its description boasted of its exceptional ability to enhance plant growth and growing and maturing speed, making it a must-have for any avid gardener. Intrigued by the promise of lush, vibrant gardens, he couldn't resist the urge to purchase the fertilizer gem and witness its magical effects firsthand.

It was available in various sizes and price ranges; the smallest and most affordable option was a 100-gram gem priced at 5 Great coins. With it, one could make 10 litres of fertilizer liquid by dissolving it in 10 litres of water. Dissolving it in more water would reduce its effectiveness, and using less water would do nothing as the effect would still be the same.

There was also a 500-gram fertilizer gem priced at 25 great coins, capable of producing 50 liters of fertilizer liquid. Lastly, the largest option was a 1 kg gem costing 50 great coins, yielding 100 liters of fertilizer. Opting for the latter, he made the purchase. Considering the remaining water in the barrel, estimated to be around 100 liters or less, he briefly contemplated dissolving the gem within it but refrained, fearing a potential mistake.

"What is the volume of water in the barrel?"

[The water in the barrel measures 98.7 litres, sir.]

He grinned and tossed the pink-colored gem into the barrel. It descended with a bubbling sound, and the bubbling continued to intensify. Circus observed the unfolding scene as the water transformed into a vibrant shade of pink, accompanied by bubbling. The water in the barrel continued to bubble and swirl, taking on a vibrant shade of pink. Circus watched in awe as the transformation unfolded before his eyes, intrigued by the fertilizer gem's effect on the water.

Only when the bubbling ceased did he venture into the bunker and retrieve the watering can once again. He filled it halfway and proceeded to water the nurseries with the pink liquid. Since the nurseries were already adequately watered, he aimed to minimize the wastage of the pink liquid.

As he watered the plants, a peculiar evaporation process took place. He observed for approximately 2 minutes and realized that he would need to observe for several hours, possibly even into the night. Consequently, he decided to halt his observation and pack up his tools.

Although it was not yet nighttime, the impending darkness was evident. He swiftly cleaned the bunker, mopped the floor, and prepared a comfortable sleeping area for himself. After washing up, he secured the trapdoor of the bunker by inserting a metal bar through its inner handle, ensuring that the bar would hold the bunker's roof if someone were to pull from outside. That would prevent the trapdoor from moving.

That way, it was impossible for someone to open it or something to break it and attack. He was absolutely safe.

Circus had finished dinner and concluded what had been the busiest day of his life so far. He lay down to sleep, using clothes as makeshift blankets. Exhaustion quickly overcame him, and he fell into a deep slumber in less than five minutes.

With a yawn, he awoke early in the morning. It was the only time he had woken up the entire night.

'Another new day has arrived. Let's see what it has in store for us,' he thought as he sat up.

"Sleeping on the floor was surprisingly peaceful for me, despite the discomfort. It's amazing how adaptable humans can be." He stretched his arms and legs, feeling a renewed sense of energy for the day ahead.

"Oh, I need to check the system. I'm certain I completed some quests, and there must be rewards waiting for me."

He had completely forgotten about it the previous day. What if the rewards had an expiration date? Why did he even allow that thought to enter his mind? He opened the system and discovered a multitude of notifications.

[SIDE QUEST 1 completed!]

[Congratulations! You’ve been rewarded with 10 EXP & 5 Great coins.]

[Confirm to collect the rewards.]

[SIDE QUEST 2 completed!]

[Congratulations! You’ve been rewarded with 12 EXP & 6 Great coins.]

[Confirm to collect the rewards.]

[SIDE QUEST 3 completed!]

[Congratulations! You’ve been rewarded with 5 EXP & 2 Great coins.]

[Confirm to collect the rewards.]

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