Chapter 246: Fire God




Blood painted the sky, and countless pieces of metal debris littered the ground.

A smirk formed on Benjamin's lips. He hadn't expected that after such a long slumber, its power had grown so immense.

However, the sight of the scattered armor shards pained him.

Such high-quality armor pieces, capable of enhancing a warrior's strength and providing incredible defense, were now in ruins. For someone of Benjamin's caliber, these armors might not pose much challenge, but if equipped by his soldiers, they would have been invaluable assets, exponentially amplifying their combat prowess.

Although he felt a twinge of regret, Benjamin didn't blame Alan. Instead, he commended him.

"Alan, you did splendidly!"

"Chirp, chirp!"

As Benjamin's praise graced his ears, a rush of exhilaration surged through Alan. In mere moments, his form swiftly contracted, taking on the delicate guise of a sparrow, which alighted on Benjamin's shoulder, its chirps melodious and relentless.

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