The airbag did not get filled up for another two to three hours, and by the time Damian finally stood from the bed, the sun had faded into the other side of the world, leaving the smell of dust to replace the vitality that once engrossed the small room. Any other day, he would have wished for a warm bath, to keep the smell of smoke from his skin. That was a luxury, of course, one which he could not afford at the moment, especially since his life was at stake and these people were planning on selling him to some mysterious world that he knew nothing about. If only he could find the right opportunity. If only he could sneak away unnoticed. Fred must be in trouble. He needed to find the boy, and he needed to act fast. 

Damian traced his hands through the metal spikes that ran from his scapula bone to his side, appearing beneath his armpit to hold steadily a bag that was made of wool. It was weightless and had a mask and a pipe, intended to be worn. Airbag, as it was called was supposed to hold purified oxygen. But from what Stephen had explained, it was not going to hold air alone, it could also recycle sweat and urine, forming them into drinkable water. That way, he would have both air and water at his disposal and wouldn’t need a refill if the need arises, unless of course he dies or goes without water for a very long time. Plus, if the west was as bad as Catherine had said, then it made sense. He would need all the water he could get. 

Stephen appeared shortly after Catherin has finished smoking her third round of pipe. The frown on his face did not only showed how angry he was but also how badly he wanted them gone. Despite his uneasiness, he argued however that travelling was impossible and that they should spend the rest of the day in his small house, at Bel Haven. It was a good idea, but one which Catherin would not buy. She had opposed his notion and her argument was solely based on the garrisons and the firstborns who would no doubt be sniffing every corner of the city, looking for clues or anything that would explain the sudden disappearance of one considered to be the most powerful Airno in the kingdom. She had insisted they risk the travel through the forest and spend the night in a village called Nzulu, which also means foolish in Bel Haven’s native tongue. So far, the plans had worked and they had travelled without detection through the forest, and have approached Nzulu. Stephen had not followed them; the stoic man had remained in Bel Haven, probably seeking out more hunters to help. It was his business to get hunters and their game away from the garrison and the nose of the Firstborn. The stoic man was a drunkard and also foolish at first glance, but he was the best and could smuggle anything from Bel Haven to any city.

“Two rooms please,” Catherin said and dropped a silver Cent on the bartender's table.

There was soft music playing somewhere, and a stripper dancing around a pole from where they stood. She was almost naked and could have been called pretty if she was human. Her eyes were oddly bright and the barcode on her right arm was all the indication a lustful mind needs if they wanted a toy to play with.

“Any belongings?” The woman on the counter asked and looked up from the lens that rested on the bridge of her nose. A cloud of white capped her head, matching perfectly the crease that folded her beige skin. She hurriedly typed something into the computer before taking and hiding the silver cent, Catherin had dropped. Looking at her, Damian could only remember a bulldog that had chased him once when he had raided the house of an elite. The two skin under her chin had lost their place and were flapping freely like some floating paper.

“No, just the three of us.” Catherin smiled. The woman stared at her for a while before her folded lips broke into a wide smile too. There was a mutual understanding that spread through the eyes of the two women that sent a frosty spear through Damian’s bones. It made him realise that this was not the first time Catherin would bring someone in chains to the motel. And looking at it, it certainly was not going to be the last.

Damian clenched his fist and turned back in the direction they had come. Golden lights blended with the white walls, sending their grace toward every corner of the motel. About a handful of people were drinking in small groups, keeping to themselves and lifting their heads occasionally to make certain that they were alone. Like Catherin, they all wore a dark transparent jacket, revealing the grey and brown shirt underneath. Most were men and wore hats, the few women among them had the same dressing as Catherin, but with an unnatural colour. Maybe that was a way of recognition, Damian could not say. He was beginning to hate his life, and the bounty hunters were the least of his favourites at the moment. He needed to get away from here. Of the many things his granny had told him, getting kidnapped and being sent to God knows where was the least of them. His life had changed, and going back to normal was like wishing to ride on the back of an ant. All he could do was to stay alive and hope he would find a means to get away from here.

His eyes walked past the people in black, towards the door on the exit and for a moment, he thought of the white and blue wall of his father's house. Would he ever have the chance to return? Light! Would he see Fred again?

“It is ready,” The woman at the counter said but did not lift her eyes from the computer.

“Thank you so much, Grace.” Catherin nodded to Aaron and the man nudged Damian, urging him towards the east wind.

Damian followed behind Catherin. He was bounded hands and feet, with little room to walk. Turns out that the Airbag was not so bad after all. According to Catherin, the air on this side of the world was bad enough to cause lung collapse. Deforestation, some have argued. Others had said it was a result of ozone depletion. Nobody knows. With the increasing scientific knowledge, it was so disappointing how men have been reduced to guessing games. So, the Airbag was a way to control the pollution without causing any serious damage to the human system. It was by no means causing any irritation, but Damian would choose the natural air anytime.

The room in the motel was small and almost empty. Compared to Bel Haven, it was a joke and the government would have shut it down for fear of overcrowding. Catherin had left Aaron and Damian to share a room, while she had taken the opposite room. She had also instructed Aaron to keep an eye on Damian and should kill him if he made any strange move. That in itself was funny, owing to the fact that Damian was twice the size of the lanky man.

“Am I going to sleep with these?” Damian asked, pushing his luck. Aaron however, didn’t think twice as he drew out the keys from his waist and opened the locks.

Damian’s jaw dropped and for the passing moment, he just stared at the man with disbelief. Was the man too dumb to know that he was going to escape? The car they had come with was downstairs and the keys were with Aaron. If he could grab the keys, perhaps he would be back in Bel Haven before morning.

“Don’t try anything stupid,” Aaron said as if reading Damian’s thoughts. He had sat on the bed and was undressing, “Just for your information. Those spikes on your chest are filled with titanium rods which are embodied with explosives. Two kilometres away from either Catherin or I and you would burst like a balloon.”

Damian breathed in when he heard that. Was the man stating the fact or was he just bluffing? He watched Aaron, who had laid on the bed and was facing the wall. Like Catherin, Aaron did not look like one who plays with words, the man must have meant what he said and even though he hadn’t meant it, trying to find out would only leave him dead.

Damian hissed and too the bed, opposite to Aaron. Somehow, he found his thoughts drifting back to the incident that had happened some days back. He had felt something within his bones when those men had captured Fred. But what was that? Why had there been a wind?

He closed his eyes, only to open them again when he saw the face of Fred, beginning him to save him.

“I am coming buddy,” Damian whispered, “I am going to get through this and will find you, wherever you may be.”    

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