Chapter 41: The Final Showdown

Arthur started running towards the empty and abandoned kingdom where the gates were still functional and not damaged.

With using all of the fibers in his legs he ran as fast as he could and closed the gates of the kingdom and continued running and felt that it was starting to drizzle.

As he looked up he could not only see the sky getting darker but the cloud getting bigger with rain drizzling above his helmet.

Boom! The gate of the castle broke down in a matter of second as the dragon appeared out of it. "You think that a gate could stop me??? The human mond is so much simpler than I thought." It shouted as looked at the direction that Arthur ran towards.

"You cannot run from me. I am unfathomable in every area. I can fly faster than all the other dragons, I can see everything that is hidden, even the heavens bow down at the mercy of my roar. And you, a human, think you can defeat me?" It shouted again as fire started appearing around the mouth and nose of the dragon.

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