The Day I Was Reincarnated As a Goblin in a Fantasy World.

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The Day I Was Reincarnated As a Goblin in a Fantasy World.

By: Zorenico CompletedSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 179 views: 12.7K

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My name is Rey, A 28 years-old man who were looking for a job. As i was walking i witnesses a crime in which a girl was being abducted by someone, As i have a heroic heart i tried to save that girl but ended up dying. Pretty lame right? A man that was unemployed, single since birth, and on top of that closer to being 30 of age. ...But there was a big catch, The God of Reincarnation gave me a chance to live again in another world where mythical monsters, beast, magic, and different kinds of species exist. A journey of a mere Goblin with a blood of an Ancient Dragon begins...

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The Day I Was Reincarnated As a Goblin in a Fantasy World. Novels Online Free PDF Download

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  • Zorenico


    stay and witness how our mc, Rey Monstri's journey would end.

    2023-02-08 01:47:22
  • Zorenico


    end, thus I am very sorry that I will be taking a hiatus from my book to make time for making every chapter decent. This will also give me the opportunity to think of how I will end the novel that will satisfy our dear readers. Again, sorry for the late response and I hope that you all will still-

    2023-02-08 01:46:34
  • Zorenico


    Hello and good day everyone! I am the author of the book from and I am here to sincerely apologized everyone who have stayed and endured my terrible writing. This first book of mine was coming to an end but as a new writer and a reader, I came to a conclusion that I can't give you a satisfactory-

    2023-02-08 01:42:24
  • Turtle Twom


    very good, i love it

    2022-09-19 10:57:07
  • Zorenico


    I apologize for not being able to upload every day because I was sick and needed to rest. But now I'm back! Please take a look at the new chapters 108-118.

    2022-08-31 16:49:41
  • Zorenico


    Thanks to those who stayed and still waiting for my updates, i was sick recently so i took this chance to rest. Now that i am fine, i will do everything i can to update as many chapter as i can~

    2022-07-22 03:23:14
  • Zorenico


    Thank you for those who stayed and still waiting for my updates, I am taking a little break and preparing for something big, I hope that you all will keep supporting and stay to witness the adventure of our mc, Rey-sama~

    2022-06-30 03:49:53
  • elelnskie


    not bad at all

    2022-06-17 12:43:12
  • Zorenico


    Comment your feedback about this novel of mine, As it will help author like me to improve their novels/book. Have a great day!!

    2022-05-30 19:47:29
  • Zorenico


    Please leave a comment or rate my first novel as it will help me to know what you think about it. Thankyou and have a good day!!

    2022-05-24 19:16:52
  • David Tobi


    when will the book continue

    2023-01-15 05:33:33
  • Nicko Bermoy


    I like the book

    2022-07-27 20:19:45
  • Noyin :3


    great novel

    2022-07-20 10:33:26
  • Hyden


    rimuru vibes... but different plot

    2022-07-17 14:47:16
  • sefena9947


    the plot is good

    2022-07-17 14:42:13
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179 chapters
Chapter 01 :The First Domination
>The Day I Was Reincarnated As A Goblin In A Fantasy World< Author: Zorenico [Chapter 01: The First Domination] ... Ahh, hello! My name is Rey and I'm 28 years old guy who was once looking for a job when I was living on earth. But.. I died because of saving a girl who was being abducted in a broad daylight. The abductor shot me in the middle of my heart and was on the verge of losing my consciousness. But then, I felt some kind of relief as I close my eyes. "Rey, because you have a heroic heart, I will give you a chance to live again. This is a world where magic, mythical creatures, and various kinds of species exist. You may live your life as a normal being or dominate the entire world at your discretion, but remember this; If you die, you may not be able to live again and will be sent into the afterworld. So you must cherish your life as much as you can." Rey struggled to open his eyes and eventually catch a view of where he was. "So that wasn't a dream.." He said. "Hm, why
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Chapter 02 The Lizardmen Village
The village has a lot of resources, but the goblins used them incorrectly, trading magic stones for food rather than hunting by themselves. Using iron and steel to produce armor or a stronger weapon, creating a long-lasting dwelling, and distributing chores in a better method. If they used them correctly then this village might become a kingdom that will be on par with any neighboring countries. Trivia: Goblin is the weakest among the race, but there are certain ways to awaken themselves and that is by slaying monsters, species, or studying magic skills. "So you have evolved into magi-goblin after studying some basic law of magic?" "Yes, master. I also tried to teach the others, but they couldn't comprehend it too well." "It's okay. Everyone has their own talent and it's just a matter of time before they show their capabilities. But I was quite astonished about you because you already become a magician despite the fact that we, goblins is the weakest among all. Hmm, by the way, Gob
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Chapter 03 Orc's Settlement
After the domination, they decided to pack up for their departure, while Rey called the former chief of the lizardmen for something. .. He went to Rey, and spoke, "Master, why did you call for me?" "Based on my knowledge of this world, if I can give you a name then you will undergo an evolution, right?" Asked, Rey. "At first, naming is a process introduced as only being able to establish master-servant relationships. However, later on, it has been demonstrated that giving a monster a name causes them to evolve. The giver will lose its original Inner-gy and be transferred to the receiver that is why only reputable individuals can give such a name to us." Thus Rey learned that there was such thing as naming capabilities, and decided to give the former chief of the lizardmen a name. Though he might lose a little bit of innergy capacity, nonetheless, it would be helpful for him. "How about I call you, Drakuru?" "Da-da-drakoru?" He stuttered. "Hm." "Uhhh, this, master I am evolv
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Chapter 04 Maharlika
After evolving to Aka-Oni, Rey was finally able to view the details of the spirit snake that entered his body. The spirit snake had become part of Rey's body, no, to be exact, it has created a separated innergy orb inside him and had gained a new ability. An ability to store things or even living beings inside his new orb. It was like a dimensional pouch, but the difference is it was directly inside his inner body, and no one would be able to rob his wealth without his permission. The second one was that it had 10,000 innergy, with this, he could use innergy transferring that he obtain after dominating Drakuru, and use half of its innegy to utilize it in a battle. … >Earlier That TimeMonstri Hall< "Monarch, this old man has some serious questions about this realm." Said, Goblu. "Ohh, and w
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Chapter 05 Sudden changes
The Maharlika was divided into four parts due to sudden developments. The officials live on the left side, and the residents are on the right. The agricultural will be on the upper right side, with the future arena on the upper left side. There was a river on Maharlika's right side that will be the source of water. Gobu has listed all the immigrants out of which 50% of them have the ability to help the developing country. Drakuru returned from the mission with the sheep human. He bought a hundreds of them, and so the worries of not having an agriculturist have been solved. Hundreds of them took over the agricultural activities with Alice (Sheep-Human Representative) as the representative of agriculturists. "Ohh? so you already evolved to Drako Lord, huh?" "Yes, master." "Even your appearance becomes somewhat similiar to a human. And to think that you acquired a rare fire, ‘blue fire.’ He said. Looking at Drakuru's Progress Bar. Just as they were talking, Goblu began to inter
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Chapter 06 peace treaty?
After a month, Maharlika has become more stable, and its military can now compete with some of the neighboring countries. Rey noticed that some of them were not evolving into hob-goblins and drakozard, thus he named every one of them and since it's a bother to think of a good name, he used numerical numbers like Yi, Er, San, and so on. .. "Master, there are thousands of warriors outside, all of them appear to be well-equipped!" Reported, Gobu. "An enemy attack? Well, it was possible because we are a nation of monsters. I thought we could at least have a peace of mind for anothee month. Sighed!" Rey pondered, and spoke once again, Drakuru, Gian heed my order! " "Yes!" "Gather all of the troops and wait for me outside of Mahalika!" Ordered, Rey. "As you wish!" .. >Rey's House< "Rey-sama, the dress you asked for from Isabella was delivered some time ago. Will you wear it now?" Asked, Theresa. "Yes, please. I need to look presentable in order to make a good impression as the ki
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Chapter 07 Beast Kingdom
Several hours have passed after Rey turned into a hibernation state. His stats drastically increased while some of his abilities turned into passive except for the domination. Rey's body turned into a humanlike appearance with one horn at his head and long black hair. Rey also acquired the new title Quansi-Lord. Since Rey became a Quansi-Lord, his affinity for dark increased. [Acquired ability: {Black Flame} A skill that permits the user to expel very dangerous Black Flames from their body The Ability makes use of one's own inner-gy, and the size of a flame's maximal size may represent the user's inner-gy power.] Note: When used by a swordsman/spearman, wounds inflicted on an enemy would never heal for a while. .. After the hibernation state, he have been congratulated by his followers and the beast king himself acknowledges Rey as the strongest warrior in the forest, Tenebris Silva. Rey was astonished by the current state of his generals as they too have become powerful, its a
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Chapter 08 Plans for the future
While they were at the banquet, Beast King Leonardo Vicente showed the map of the continent to Rey and explain everything there was to know about the other countries. "The holy Church of Divine Country is one of the countries that we are keeping an eye on. They are opposed to the thought of having a monster/beast like us having our own country, hence we have predicted that the attack of barbarians is the plot made by them. This is Dakufindo, a country of demons that rules over all of Paradisus Silva. Despite the fact that they are demons, they do not attack without cause, though there is some cases that the demons was still trying to swallow some small country by finding some faults on them. The Dwarven Kingdom is a country populated by dwarfs who specialize in forging and construction. Though the Dwarven Kingdom's military is not particularly large, half of its population is made up of warriors, in no way inferior to any other nation. Lastly, The Country of Human race, There are four
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Chapter 09 The Dungeon Owner
Will you use [Blue Stone] Resistance to thunder attack ([Yes]/No) Acquired: Resistance to Thunder Attack. They rested for 2days to regain their lost innergy and another two days passed once again and continued their raid to the next floor. Both of them got to the 15th floor quickly because they were able to easily kill the enemies as what they faced was a Fire Elementalists dungeon monsters and Rey was immune to fire and can manipulate them at will. The two had the impression that someone was watching them from above as they entered the 15th floor and suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to kill. They looked up into the sky and saw a winged lion that resembled a mythical griffin described as an S-Rank Beast in the Book of Mythical Beast that Rey acquired from the Beast King. "O-Ohh, it was not fully matured.." Said, Rey. He took a deep breath. Rey immediately told khufra to enter his dimensional space, and the griffin started to cast a skill [Wind Storm] with strength or equ
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Chapter 10 The dragon's bloodline
The blood of an ancient dragon continues to flow throughout Rey's body and can feel all the changes in himself. His appearance became more human-like while having pointed ears. His hair color turned crystal blue while feeling an indestructible amount of dragon's strength in his body. Attainment Acquired: [Dragonification- Dragonification is an ability to turn thyself onto a half-dragon, giving a boost to his strength, agility, and innergy.] Ten days have passed, and Rey's stats increased. He also acquired new abilities such as: [Dragon's Breath] - The ability to emit Black Flame through his mouth. [The Step] - Able to teleport forward at a fixed distance. During this time, you are invincible to damage and attacks. [Dragon's Roar] - Imitate a true dragon's roar, if used, will suffer a decrease in stats and slow its movements for a minute. [Eye of Dragon] - Griffins Eye has been upgraded to Eye of Dragon, New ability: See-through lies, Measure the ability of others, See-through any
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