***Jett's pov***

I was frozen; how did it enter my room? There they were, all the kids I knew with Ravi standing in their middle. There were ribbons and decorations hanging from window to window, they were colour red. My favourite colour. They all jumped up and shouted, "SURPRISE!!!", As I stepped into the room. "What surprise?!". I was utterly confused.

"You dummy", Ravi said, whacking me on the head. "I knew you'd forget... It's your birthday fool!"

Are you for real?! I honestly forgot about all that. I had been so busy fighting for my life and losing lives in the process. Even if I remembered, I really didn't believe that anyone would care to remember; let alone throwing a surprise birthday party. I felt warm inside; the same kind I felt as I hugged Gabby that night.

I never thought I'd feel like that ever again. What was that feeling? My vision became blurry and I felt tears roll down my cheeks, I tried stopping it but it just kept coming out. Before long I was wailing like a siren. The mood was very awkward and heart warming, I didn't know what to do not say.

Ravi just walked over and gave me a hug. After I was done with my scene; we all cut the cake and ate while enjoying some soda. As usual no adult was in sight. This wasn't because it was the birthday of an orphan but even when Cindy had her birthdays; her parents would buy all that was needed but never celebrated, they would just stay inside, as usual.

Preci walked up to me and nudged me, "are you done, Seventeen year old crybaby?"

I laughed loudly. I think that must have been the actual real laugh I've had in weeks. "Yeah... For now"

I was happy for the surprise, people still cared about me despite all I've done. However I was still sad; after all I'm seventeen now; meaning my days are numbered here. Just one year left before the adults send off to look for 'greener pastures'. I needed to act fast and smart, I need to save us all before it's too late.

As the night went on I put on my hoodie and left them all in the room and went outside to feel the wind. The atmosphere was amazing. Everywhere was coloured with a tint of blue, the breeze was fresh and chilly but just perfect. It was dead silent but not in the usually freaky way but in a serene and relaxing way.

I'm sure if I had spent a few more minutes alone I would have reached enlightenment; however just at that moment Preci took a seat beside me on the walkway. She had a can of soda in her hands and she had a bitch face look. She didn't say anything and we didn't look at each other for the first few minutes. It was just an awkward silence but I knew what she was here for.

She turned slowly towards me, I could have sworn that time seemed to stand still, and said "what happened to my sister?"

Finally the dreadful question had spawned. I knew that this day would come eventually. What would I tell her? That her sister was eaten by beasts in the forest that will eventually come after all of us? Or that her sister just mysteriously disappeared like all the other kids before her? Like hell she'll believe that.

Where is Timoria when you need him. Come to think of it he's been quiet ever since we lost the fight against that Neo Enigma. Maybe he's ashamed that after all his pride he lost horribly.

What I did next was by far the most cowardly thing but the best option I had at that moment... I stood up and walked away...

As I walked away, she was yelling and calling out to me "Jett! Tell me where she is! Jett!! Jett!!!"

I didn't stop. I just kept walking on till her voice became like an echo and then finally everywhere went silent. The night was cold so I put my freezing hands in my hoodie's sack to warm it up a little as I went to sit on the swing in the playground. I didn't know what to do and felt bad for what I had just done.

I called out to Timoria once again and over and over but still no response. He was dead silent. Was he still there? Just to confirm I walked past a window and looked at it to see him but all I saw was my own reflection. Was he really gone? Was it that old man's fault? How on earth will I fight those creatures now? Why do I have so many problems?

After hours of just sitting there, on the swings, and contemplating on what to do I returned home. Everyone was gone and the place was a mess, they could have at least cleaned up a little.

I sat down and opened the book I had found at the forest, ready to read when I noticed an unsettling feeling deep down in me; that feeling of guilt. I tried refocusing my attention and forgetting about her but I couldn't; I still felt restless and dissatisfied. I decided to go to Cindy's house to see Perci. I felt like I owed her an explanation. I owed her an explanation, a good one; an honest one.

Approaching their house, I noticed that the door was wide open, it was dark and there was noise. I felt an air of grief envelope me. She, mother grief, was back again; she swaddled me in a garment of anxiety and my heart rate went up as sweat dropped down my chin and jaw. My hair stood up and my steps wavered. I was beginning to shiver, not from the cold but from fear.

"Perci? Are you there?", I whispered as I snuck in quietly. "Mr. Xavier?"

It was dark but I could still make out objects. The table was on the ground, the sofas were displaced, the pictures lay on the floor, surrounded by shattered glass. The hallway bulb was loose and flickering, my instincts told me that these were all bad signs.

A mirage of I and Cindy running into her room as kids appeared before my eyes but soon enough that mirage disappeared and I was looking at reality. Cindy's room door was open while Preci's room door handle was broken and there were blood hand prints on the walls which all lead to the basement. Some looked bigger than the others, I'm sure that's Mr. Xavier's.

As I walked down each creaking stair, I was entertained with the sight of blood on the floor, walls and staircase handle. The basement light was on but very dim; was as good as not being there at all.

I finally reached. I saw a grim sight. Intestines spread across the floor, in a pool of blood. Mr. Xavier lay naked in the pool, he wasn't breathing, and in his left hand he held an axe in it. His pupils were gone, his eyes were pure white. I was definitely sure it was his blood and intestines that spread across the floor; not only because he was obviously dead but also because Preci sat at his head, with his back against the wall and a knife in her hands.

She held the knife tightly and with both hands like her life depended on it l; it looked like it did. She looked horrified, her brows were a mixture of shock and disgust. Her lis and nose were bleeding, and she was covered in blood, and had bruises and cuts on her arms. Her clothes were partially torn.

I don't know what happened but it was obvious that she, for whatever reason, was the culprit. This scene; I never thought I'd see in my life time.

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