The Triumphant Escape

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The Triumphant Escape

By: Queenet CompletedMystery/Thriller

Language: English

Chapters: 101 views: 980

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Lindsey Amazon never expected her peaceful life to shatter in one gruesome night when her parents were brutally murdered. With nowhere to turn and nobody to rely on, she found herself on the run, the weight of survival resting solely on her shoulders. It was a brutal world, and Lindsey was forced to live hand to mouth, scraping to survive. After endless days of running, she was finally captured by the very man who had taken everything from her. In captivity, Lindsey found herself face to face with Alejandro Rosario, a mysterious and enigmatic figure. As they navigated their harrowing circumstances together, Lindsey had to grapple with conflicting emotions. Will Lindsey find the strength to trust again, or will her past consume her in a never-ending cycle of vengeance and despair?

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101 chapters
Prologue (edited)
"Come on, we need to hide," Karen said, her voice tremulous with fear."I can't. I need to go to my mum and dad," Lindsey replied, her gaze fixed on the direction of her parents, her whole body shivering with dread."I'm sure your parents would want you to hide," Karen murmured, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Do you know a safe place to hide?" she whispered."Yeah, yeah," Lindsey stammered as she finally moved away from the door. With timid steps, she made her way to her closet. Her hands shook as she hastily pushed aside the clothes, revealing a locked door. Fumbling with the keypad, she typed in the password."Isn't this place obvious?" Karen asked, exhaling sharply."Mum and dad always said that the most obvious place is the most secure, because people rarely look there," Lindsey replied, her voice tinged with resignation.A thud echoed through the room, followed by indistinct muttering as footsteps drew nearer. Hurriedly, they squeezed into the hidden space, locking the door beh
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Chapter One:Family(edited)
"Hey Lindsey, be careful please." Karen called out, her voice filled with concern, as she watched her friend climb up the tree.Lindsey balanced herself on the branch, reaching out to pluck the red apple. "I've got it!" she called triumphantly as she carefully made her way down to the ground.Karen sighed in relief as she saw her friend safely on the ground. "You always make me worry, you know that?" she chided with a gentle smile, knowing that Lindsey's adventurous spirit always got the better of her.Lindsey flashed a mischievous grin, "But that’s what friends are for, to keep you on your toes."Karen rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Come on, we need to get back home. Your parents have been searching for you.""Ugh, they worry too much," Lindsey grumbled as they made their way back. "But I guess it's nice to know they care.""Exactly," Karen nodded, "You're lucky to have parents who care so much.""I suppose you're right," Lindsey conceded, looking over at the picturesque cottage they c
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Chapter Two: The Intent(edited)
"Sir." Rushed a young man as he got inside the office after a series of knock with haggard breath "Holding different folders in his hands," said the young man as he entered the office and stood in front of the mahogany desk."What is it?" came a deep voice from the back of a mahogany chair, the man's back away from view as he stared deeply out the window."We found them," replied the young man, panting slightly."What?" asked the voice as the man sharply turned, collecting the files from the young man, his eyes scanning them intently."Yes, sir, they are in Texas," continued the young man with a smile, finally expressing relief after months of research."Good job," the voice said, followed by a smile. "I'll make sure your salary is increased." He said as he turned away, his focus back on the files in his hands."Thank you, sir," muttered the young man as he quickly rushed toward the door, opened it, and shut it behind him, knowing he was dismissed. Back in the office, a deathly laught
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Chapter Three: Arrival.
A man is seen coming down from his private jet, enjoying the cool breeze and the view of Texas. "Finally, I'm in Texas," he thought, removing his dark shades and hanging it on his breast pocket. He heaved a deep sigh before walking towards the SUV, already waiting for him with his assistant beside him, dragging his boss's suitcase. His men followed behind him, their guns safely secured on their belt straps as they got into the other SUV, zooming off.The car stopped in front of the most expensive hotel in Texas. He got down from the car as one of his men opened the door for him, then strolled inside the hotel and towards the sitting area, where he sat down with his men standing at ease behind him, keeping watch. Their eyes followed those that walked in and out of the hotel in case of any suspicious moves.His assistant, with a slow stride, walked towards the manager's desk. "I made a room reservation," he said."Name, please?" the manager asked with a warm smile as he looked at his com
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Chapter Four: A friendly Neighbor
Lindsey and Karen ran towards the field an into a barn where an old man in overall was busy feeding his pigs."Morning Mr Willams." They greeted in unison,as Mr Williams turned towards them with a smile on his dirty face."Ah....if it isn't my two favourite people.. Lindsey and Karen." He said wiping his dirty hands on his overall as he walked towards them."Come give your uncle Willam a hug." He said with a tooty grin,his arms wide open"Is that really necessary?" Asked Lindsey with a look on her face,as Karen shrugged beside her."Of course ,come on." He said motioning towards them,as Lindsey and Karen walked slowly towards him."Now,these are my girls." He said eveloping them in a tight hug " since you girls are here,i will need you to help feed the Chickens." He continued disengaging from the hug."Wait... isn't that Charles duty?" Asked Karen as she stared at him,while Lindsey was busy wiping the mud stain from her cloth."Well he ain't here,so hurry up." He motioned towards them
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Chapter Five: Feel The Wind.
Lindsey let out a series of praise as she placed soothing hands from the head till she got to the horse center she did it with subtlety,she steadied herself as she propel herself onto Diana's center as she made careful gentle contact so as not to spook the beautiful white Mare,she carefully place her left leg on the inside rein as she boost herself up and then raising her right leg as she settled towards the center of the mass. She took a minute to calm her breath with her hands tightly gripping the reins,she gave a gentle kick to Diana's stomach as she let out a "Ya!!" She picked up the rein enough to create contact with the horse's mouth as the horse gallop across the field,she relax back as she enjoyed the calming breeze as she rode round the field,she waved her hand when she saw Karen and let out a soft chuckle.Karen waved back then relaxed on the wooden fence as she watched Lindsey with smiles on her wave, Lindsey was like a goddess of war as she controlled the horse and Karen
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Chapter Six: The Promise/Departure.
'This night i will tell them.' She promised before taking another spoon full of food into her mouth.After enjoying their Delicious food, they made their way to the parlour as Mrs Katherine ran to her room to get her game box.Lindsey and Karen waited on the couch ,their legs bouncing in anticipation.Not long after Mrs Katherine walked to them with her game box in her hand,placing them on the table. The game box contained a cross word puzzle which Lindsey won, Scrambled which she also won thanks to her finishing touch. The word was "NISCPOOR" Which when you arrange it spelt "Scorpion". Then They played Charade,Mrs Katherine won . Karen Derekstrate with her body. Karen let out a sad sign,She was the only one who didn't win anything. Mrs Katherine consoled her by saying. "Everyone is a winner." Before wrapping her daughter in a long hug and a kiss to the head.It was already dark out when they ended their end,meaning it was time for them to leave. Karen hugged her Mother,tears dripping
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Chapter Seven:The discussion.
The door swung open after some minute of silence. Carlos stood ,His blond hair scattered , He rubbed his hand to his eyes before opening the door, He gave way as Jeff entered."What brings you to my room?" He asked a cocky smirk on his face.Jeff let out a scoff when he saw what Carlos was putting on. He had on a Sponge bob boxer though he was shirtless,his chest flexing each time he moved."Can you stop ogling me and tell me why you're here?" Carlos asked his eyebrow raised."You arrogant jackass" Jeff cuss, his face red due to anger.Carlos raised his hands up in surrender. "Whooo dude...calm down." He said with a laugh. "You need to relax."Jeff closed his eyes, breathing quietly."So.... What do you need." Carlos said putting on a gray shirt followed by his vest, He then wore his jean trouser."Boss wants you to get his car ready." Jeff replied finally sitting down."Why?" Carlos was very surprised, He could not believe what he was hearing. Boss was the kind of person that let oth
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Chapter Eight:The Intruders
"What do you mean?" Lindsey asked and leaned closer."Back then, She would always package a bag with lot of things whenever we visit her." Martha said with a laugh as she remembered the past. "Guess she still haven't change."Derek joined her in the laugh. Lindey Clears her throat,Derek and Martha stopped laughing and turn towards her."What is it sweatheart?" Martha asked sweetly."Emmm.... Can i have a word with the both of you?" Lindsey asked,playing with her leg.Derek and Martha stared at themselves before turning towards her. "Sure." "If you need me.. I am in the parlour." Karen said, She knows that whatever Lindsey wants to tell her parents must be important. She went to the Parlour and sat on the Chair with remote in her hand.Lindsey fumbled, lost for words. Now that she has the opportunity to tell them, She can't seem to get the words out."What's is it dear?" Martha asked placing a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder. "You know you can tell us anything?"Derek nods
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Chapter Nine: Torture.
"Don't get tired, we haven't even started." Carmichael said and got up from his chair. His hands behind his back."Please... I don't know what you want from me." Derek yelled."You know exactly what i want." Carmichael said caressing the silencer in his back pocket. "So... Give me what I want or get a bullet to your leg." Carmichael continued drawing out the silencer from his back pocket, He pressed it to Derek's leg,the safety off."No...." Martha whimpered."Yes."Carmichael smirk." Least i forget.. Where is your daughter?." He asked and withdrew his gun.Derek shivers inwardly when he had the question. "She went to her friend place." He heaved out."Is that so?" Asked Carmichael to Martha."" Martha stuttered.Carmichael watched them, after a minute or two he let out and sign. "Fine... I will believe you." He said and turned away from them. Derek heaved a sign of relief."For Now." He continued and turned towards Derek. His gun pressed back on his thigh. "One last time." He
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