17. Fresh Air While

"I had expected that you would come here." Mr. Vatic smiled at the stranger's arrival.

The stranger pointed his gun at Mr. Vatic.

"It was as I was told; you would come. Thank you for coming here," Mr. Vatic said calmly. He felt no fear at all as the gun was pointed at him.

"Someone told you?" the stranger asked flatly.


"Who was the person who told you?" Tell me!" The stranger looked curious about the figure Mr. Vatic was talking about.

"Instead of telling you, I'm sure you must know him well."

The stranger's brow furrowed, and he tried to think of who that figure was. "I'm not in the mood to follow your riddle. Tell me clearly who that person is."

"It seems that because you've been too dark-eyed, you don't remember who the person you most want to meet is," said Mr. Vatic.

"Enough fooling around up to here." The stranger was about to pull the trigger of his gun, but just as he was about to pull the trigger, Mr. Vatic tried to stop him.

"Before you kill me, let me give you this m
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