Forces of Dominion
Forces of Dominion
Author: EJS
Portal Encounter

//Year 2040// 

[Sierra Nevadas, Fresno, California]

<<<Click sounds>>> krrr krr krr krr krr krr 

"Do you have eyes on it?"...the trembling voice of a soldier muttered in the silence of the gross dark night in Sequoia National Forest located at the southernmost end of the Sierra Nevadas. 

"No boss, but Ricky too is dead! I can't see shit, captain!" The fainting voice of his teammate echoed with just a whisper as the leaves of the trees and grasses fluttered in the cold wind around them.... 

"I thought I saw it just now! That shit is invincible sometimes... I'm out of ammo..." Another soldier who was already jittering and full of fear kept sputtering until he was told to be quiet...

"Shush! Stay frosty!" The captain ordered. 

"Ahhhhh... argh... aahhhh!" The soldier who was jittering screamed in anguish and his voice died out in the midst of the darkness as an alien's blade pierced through his left thigh and dragged him away from the rest of his teammates... 

Rat tat tat tat boom boom boom boom pew pew pew pew ra tata ta ta tat boom!... [Heavy gunfire].... Aliens clicking noises... 

Glittering blue fluids in the dark like blood, definitely from a wounded alien, dripping on the captain's left shoulder...

"Look up, captain, behind you!" A soldier shrilled, alerting the captain who was right in front of him a minute after they ceased-fire. 

"Ahh!" The captain's voice was choked immediately, groaning in pain as blood rolled down his eyes and gushed out of his mouth because of an elongated two-edged blade which penetrated his helmet from up above him, running straight down his throat. His death was horrifying, terrifying the remaining four soldiers with him, they lost confidence until they were all dead... 


<<<Screams bloody murder>>> [howling in anguish]

//Year 2040// [Hanford, California]

...Gloomy day ~ Cracky noises...


The excited shrilling voice of a teenager, eighteen years old, echoed so loud his father, Winston Gray, had to run upstairs to check on him to know if he's fine. 

"Gabriel... Are you okay in there? Open up."

"I'm fine dad! Buzz off!" He exclaimed twice without opening the door. He is definitely not happy with his dad for a reason. 

"Um... Okay, I'm going to work now, just let me know if you need anything. And take good care of yourself for me. You're all I've got!" Winston Gray asserted passionately and waited for a second to see if he could get a response or something, but Gabriel Gray never said a word afterwards, until he left. 

"Hello, Optimus. Can you hear me?" Gabriel asked inaudibly, squinting his eyes to see if the blue light could be steady inside the spherical eyes of his newly constructed robot which kept beeping and squeaking. No part of its joint could move yet, and the skeletal rods were all still exposed you can literally touch the multiple wires which ran from all parts of its body to the head at the back, attached like nerves. The scary thing about this robot was the powered octet reactor in its chest — a fusion type of power source featuring palladium. Gabriel was sensitive enough to continuously avoid the octet reactor in Optimus' chest because it has shocked him once and it wasn't funny at all. He stole the octet reactor from his uncle's shop and ever since, he has been feeling a sense of guilt because that was the most costliest thing in Mr. Wyman's shop. Mr. Wyman kept looking for the octet reactor of course, but gave up after three months of search to no avail. Meanwhile, here was the octet reactor, powering the entire configured devices assembled and mounted in one robot. 

"Ssshiii... Zzzz! Yap... Yes I can hear you." Optimus bleeped.  

The minute Gabriel heard Optimus speak, his eyes dilated in surprise and he leaped out of excitement... 

"Yes!!!" He screamed and turned three sixty degrees with hands stretched wide and back again to face the robot which remained static. He sat down slowly again, trying to calm his nerves and focus on initiating a conversation with the five feet tall robot that was still seated in front of him. 

"You look very much excited master Gab, why..." Optimus was yet to finish it's statement when all of a sudden, its internal circuits sparked causing it to shutdown. 

"Shit shit shit! Not again, Optimus, come on!" Gabriel exclaimed with frustrating gestures. He pushed the chair on which the robot sat with his left leg towards the wall and got up angrily from his seat. All he wanted was to build his own robot with which he could use to defend himself against the guys bullying him in the neighborhood, but the more he tried the more he failed, though he had applied everything he has been observing his uncle do at the shop. He was confident that the challenge was the processor in the middle of the robot head not being able to bear the charge coming from the chip all along, but right now, he no longer can tell what else he could do to stop the reoccurring spark because he had gladly merged two processors in the machine, yet nothing seems to be working. 

Frustratingly,  he walked out of his room and slammed the door without being mindful of the picture he hung on his door which fell the second he became aggressive. He kept blaming his dad for not supporting him financially in the project he was working on and felt his dad was being mean to him by asking him to focus on his financial course instead of allowing him do what he wanted in the mechanical field, adding that creating robots won't pay the bills. His dad, Winston Gray is a business man and he is so careful to keep his son away from the line of business his own brother chose, believing that doing business earns more than creating machines that may not even sell.  

"Hey, dickhead! Dickhead!" One of his friends in the neighborhood yelled at him from afar the minute all his friends saw him coming out of his house, but he ignored him and hastened up to leave the compound because he knew they were all going to mock him again for not being able to beat up a member of their rival gang the previous night. It has been a concern to him that his physical weakness was bringing shame to him and his friends have made him a target of bullying because he seem powerless. He drove off in one of his dad's car that has been serviced about an hundred times and when he drove past the compound where his friends where, he could literally see them laughing at him to scorn. 

"I hate my life! I wish I could just live in a world of absolute peace!" Gabriel cried out the moment he arrived at a solitary place: a vast expanse of land having no human habitations whatsoever, almost arid with harsh wind raising dust particles to make the little grasses seldom noticable. He sat down on a fragment of rock westward and began to cry and sob deeply when all of a sudden, he felt dizzy, light-headed and could not feel his skin anymore. At first, it did not dawn on him that he was out of the natural realm until he saw himself rising up from the rock on which he sat, with an unusual strength and noticing that everything around him was gone and overshadowed with visible spectrum except the ground whereupon he stood. 

... where am I? Where is my car?... He pondered but not for long. Something else caught his attention the moment he looked up to see one like a star descending from heaven with great speed as of light, the earth shook before it landed. 

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