Chapter 0002

Darwin, his heart heavy with disbelief and hurt, struggled to process the devastating reality that had unfolded before him. "But... our anniversary..." he stammered, the words catching in his throat.

The words were a gut punch to Darwin. Three years? It couldn't be. Their anniversary was today. They married just one years ago. The world seemed to spin around him, reality and illusion blurring into a nauseating carousel.

The man beside Lisa was nothing like Darwin—confident, stylish, his well-tailored clothes speaking of a success that Darwin had been striving for. His arm remained around Lisa, a silent claim that sent waves of cold realization through Darwin's body.

Nick puzzled, asked Darwin, "Dude, is this a prank or something?"

Darwin still shocked, responded, "I don't understand. I planned this surprise for her."

The live stream continued as Rachel Summer, still beaming, read out comments from the audience

"Viewers are loving you guys! Congratulations on finding each other!"

As the live stream continued, Rachel Summer, the celebrity, turned to the duo and beamed at the camera. "Alright, folks, our viewers are eager to learn more about this heartwarming reunion! Why don't we start by having each of you introduce yourselves?"

The man beside Lisa, gave a charming smile and spoke next. "Hey there, everyone. I'm Luke," he said, his confidence evident in his tone. "I actually met Lisa a few years back, but I had to go abroad for work. It's only recently that we reconnected, and I'm thrilled to be back."

Lisa, her eyes sparkling with love, spoke. "I'm Lisa," she said, her voice tinged with excitation. "In fact Luke was my first love, I was so sad when he had to go abroad. But thanks to the fate, we found each other again...everyday was so dark for me in the past 3 years..."

Rachel, beaming with joy, quickly interjected. "Wow, what a story! It sounds like fate brought you two back together. Our viewers are absolutely loving this. Now, Luke, could you tell us a bit more about your journey back and how you rekindled your relationship with Lisa?"

Luke nodded, his smile unwavering. "Of course. As I mentioned, I had to go abroad for work about two years ago. Lisa and I lost touch during that time, but when I returned last month, we crossed paths again, and the spark was still there. I'm grateful for the opportunity to make things right and be with her once more."

Darwin now understood, Lisa married him because Luke dumped her, but once he was back, Lisa would go back to him again.

What a scum Lisa was!

"Did I mean nothing to her? Was our love just a temporary distraction?" The questions lingered, tormenting him as he tried to make sense of the shattered fragments of his reality.

Unable to endure another moment, Darwin made a wry smile and passed the phone back to his friend. Nick, concerned for Darwin, looked at him with empathy. "Darwin, I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. I'm here for you, man," he said, placing a comforting hand on Darwin's shoulder.

Darwin, his voice choked with emotion, shook his head. "I... I think I need some time alone, Nick. I just need to process this."

Understanding Darwin's need for solitude, Nick nodded solemnly. "I get it, mate. Take all the time you need. I'll check on you later, okay?"

Feeling really sad, Darwin saw Nick go, and the truth hit him hard. He couldn't stay at the amusement park, so he decided to walk, to get away from this place that seemed cursed.


As Darwin entered his darkened apartment, he sank onto the couch, without turning on the light, he didn't even know how he managed to find himself at home.

He was feeling heavy after learning the shocking truth. Emotions swirled in his mind, and he couldn't shake off the disbelief hanging over him.

Sitting in silence, memories of their supposed happy times flashed in his mind. "Why didn't I see the signs?" he quietly questioned himself, blaming himself.

The phone, now a painful reminder, rested on the table. Darwin hesitated, then picked it up, reading comments celebrating Luke and Lisa's reunion. Each word felt like a stab, hurting him even more.

"Why didn't she tell me? Was everything a lie?" His own voice sounded strange, filled with anger and heartbreak.

Darwin's gaze drifted to a framed photo of him and Lisa, smiling blissfully on their wedding day. He reached for it, tracing the contours of her face with a trembling hand. "How could you, Lisa?" he muttered, his voice barely audible.

His phone buzzed, a text from Nick. "Take it easy, man. I'm here for you." Darwin stared at the message, grateful for the support but unsure how to handle the storm inside.

He replayed the live stream scenes, where Luke confidently claimed Lisa. "Why am I the stranger in my own love story?" Darwin's thoughts spun in confusion.

His apartment was getting darker, and time felt like it was dragging on. It was really quiet, and inside him, there were a lot of strong feelings. Then, he heard someone trying to open the door with keys, breaking the quiet. The door opened, and light came in, making Darwin squint for a moment.

Lisa, unaware of Darwin's presence, flipped the switch, flooding the apartment with light. Her eyes hadn't yet adjusted to the change when she saw the silhouette on the couch. A sharp gasp escaped her as her hand flew to her mouth, her keys clanging to the floor.

"What the—?!" she yelped, her heart pounding in her chest.

Darwin remained motionless, his eyes now accustomed to the light, watching her reaction unfold. As her breath steadied and her eyes found his, recognition dawned on her.

"Darwin? What are you doing sitting here in the dark? You scared the life out of me!" Lisa's voice, though tinged with residual shock, quickly morphed into frustration.

Darwin's voice was calm, but it was laced with a coldness that was uncharacteristic of him. "I needed time to think, Lisa. To understand."

"To think? To understand what?" Lisa asked, irritation creeping into her voice as she bent to retrieve her keys.

"About us, Lisa. About everything," Darwin replied, his gaze fixed on her, searching for any signs of the woman he thought he knew.

Lisa's face hardened as she straightened up, her patience wearing thin. "Us? There is no 'us', Darwin. You're delusional."

The word cut through him, but Darwin's response was measured. "Delusional? Because I believed in our vows? Because I thought our anniversary meant something to you?"

Lisa scoffed, throwing her purse onto a nearby chair. "Our anniversary? Forget that anniversary, don’t play children’s game anymore Darwin, we’re adults, can’t you be more mature?"

Darwin, meeting her gaze with disappointment, responded, "Lisa..."

Lisa, now louder, questioned him, "And now what? What do you want?"

Taking a deep breath, Darwin slowly stood up, "I want a divorce."

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