Chapter 117 A Leader
Undeterred, Newton maintained his low yet commanding tone. "His father is Mr. Gelfand. I managed to attend the wedding by assuming the identity of one of their distinguished guests."

The room fell into stunned silence as the men exchanged wide-eyed looks, their astonishment evident. "You infiltrated the Beanie wedding alone, Boss?" they questioned, fully aware of the peril that came with walking straight into the enemy's stronghold without backup.

Newton nodded slowly. "I had Grinch by my side, posing as my bodyguard. Together, we intercepted a man named Patrick, who was meant to attend the wedding. Patrick happens to have a close relationship with Arturo and his father."

The hall grew hushed as every man's attention became fixed on Newton's every word. They hung on to every detail, eager to unravel the information he had to share.

Mr. Kimberly's disbelief lingered as he posed his question, "You assumed Mr. Patrick's identity and managed to infiltrate their party undetected?"

Newton af
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