Chapter 116 New Organisation
Newton entered the grand conference hall on the fourth floor of his opulent mansion, the atmosphere heavy with anticipation.

Grinch, his loyal right-hand man, stood by the entrance door, his sharp gaze scanning the room to ensure everything was in order. With a nod from Grinch, Newton proceeded further into the hall.

The mob leaders, seated around a long, mahogany table, rose to their feet as Newton entered, their faces filled with respect and admiration. In unison, they chanted, "Boss," their voices echoing through the room, a testament to their unwavering loyalty.

Newton acknowledged their greeting with a nod and a slight smile, appreciating the show of respect. Taking his place at the head of the table, he gestured for the others to sit, and they did so promptly, their attention fixed on their young but formidable leader.

The conference room exuded an aura of power and authority, its walls adorned with intricate paintings and shelves filled with leather-bound books, a reflection of
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