Chapter 195
Chapter 195

Vanya maintained her cool as she remained in the background and observed all that was going on. Or, to be more specific, she did not lose her calm until her sight landed on a player who was standing in the back and giving directions to the other players.

It is probable that she will not be familiar with the others, but he was fairly familiar with this particular one in particular.

This person served as the 'Master' of her role as the head lackey for the organization.

And it's extremely possible that the entire squad was formed of members of Jade Mountain's family guild; these were the ones for whom she harbored the deepest animosity in her heart.

And today, these individuals have somehow found their way over to her all by themselves in this remote place, and they even took the initiative to pick a battle with her by grabbing control of her supervisor's life?

"Heh." Vanya grinned. "So it would appear that I don't have any other choices, is that correct? It's not a big deal t
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