The most catastrophic awakening.

Lying on the bed whose mattress gave the impression of being on a cloud, but on a dark cloud with thunders and lightning rumbling everywhere.

It was Kasel's impression; this time, his sleep was anything but peaceful.

He wanted to wake up as quickly as possible to end the nightmare he was living.

Unlike the other times, he had been able to keep his mind awake even if he had no control over him.

Like a third person in his own body, he attended the whole scene; letting only his instinct guide him in his craziest, murderous, and sneaky desires.

The heartbreaking pain that Devon and Marian inflicted on him was unbearable; vampires may be blessed by the goddess of healing, but they still feel pain like humans. But by dint of being tormented by this, some older vampires were able to forge a steel mind in the face of the most atrocious pains.

Like Devon, who remained indifferent even after seeing Kasel break his bones, or Kalios who laughed like a masochist even after Kasel had caused him an
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