Time loop!

Rose stared at Dante, she didn't understand what Dante's intentions and goals wanted her to take the man far into the past.

“Why do you want me to take you to the past, what exactly do you want? Do you want to go back to when Richard was alive and save him?” she asked.

Dante shook his head, he had a plan that he thought would be much more efficient than that.

Dante also told the contents of the mural he had just seen Rose, Dante intended for Rose to take him to teleport far into the past when the ancient ice giant was fighting with the fire ancient giant. Dante thinks if only he can stop the fight maybe fate will change, in other words, the Game of the Destiny might never happen. According to Dante, instead of trying to kill Nidhug, it would be better if he could stop the fight between the two ancient giants to maintain the balance of the world.

“We have to stop that fight and prevent Nidhug from becoming the only god in this world. Then Nidhug won't be able to do as he pleases like h
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