Genesis: Freed.
Genesis: Freed.
Author: NADM
Chapter 0:

Legend has it that a long time ago there was a world where humans, mythical and magical beings and even magicians lived together in peace and harmony. Kingdoms and colonies were created where the races lived classified as combined, but that was not enough for a being of distinguished power.

After its beginnings, the kingdoms began to keep him under surveillance to know exactly what was bothering him, as a consequence, the winter kingdom was extremely wounded with power and pride, the rebel's objective was clear; he eradicated mixed beings, he hated that two beings unite and as if that were not enough, more people joined his ideal.

The six kingdoms informed the supreme king, who was not aware of it, the annoyed king devised how to finish off the enemy, thus breaking out the war. Days, months and even years passed until the king of prestigious power fell and the leader of the rebellion rose to the top. Taking the crown of the murdered king, he chose to separate it into seven pieces to distribute them among his six trusted men and keeping the last piece of the crown. Each one assembled their own crown adding the piece that had been given to them.

Once in power, the king general decreed that the humans would go to a world where there was nothing, ended up eliminating the hybrid beings and those who went against them and rearmed the kingdoms to govern with the new rules, leaving in forgetting the past of a world where various races ruled. During his reign, the king general continued to remember the words of the former king, the last ones that left him on alert during his government.

“There will be someone who overcomes your power, someone who, no matter how many obstacles you put up, you will not knock him down. My fate sealed by you will return to you as today.”

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