Chapter 399: Anna’ s Soul

Back in England …

Charles watched as the Marshal with an anxious look walked back and forth with a weighty expression.

“Master? Is anything the matter” he asked with a worried look.

“No. This is not good. This is really not good at all” he responder as he continued to walked around .

He suddenly called him here like there was an emergency but all that he had been witnessing for the last fifteen minute was seeing as he has making walking back and forth .

And instead is a direct answer, he was now talking about, something he couldn’t get his mind on.

Who wouldn’t be confused in this matter?

But still, he waited patently, thinking this might be about master Nagid, he just fell silent and waited till he spoke up again.

He knew his master like the back of his hand.

If there is something that would a bit annoy him, then it would be something he would detest very much.

He ca do nothing but wait and help him get rid of the trouble and he help make him relieved again.

After walkin
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