Episode 144



The room looked really strange. It was beautiful, simple yet elegant. The designs and furnishings were definitely done by an expert. He would know because he worked with buildings. But this touch was quite different from anything he had ever seen.

He sat up and pushed the velvety blanket off of him so he could get up, but he couldn’t move his legs. They seemed to be too heavy now. His head ached too and he reached up to touch it. He felt bandages wrapped around his head.

What was going on? How did he get there? And where was he exactly?

He laid back down and covered himself quickly but quietly when he heard footsteps outside the room. The door opened a second later and a woman walked in, a tray in hand. He peeped through his half open eyes and saw that she was dressed as a nurse. There were fresh bandages and first aid. He eased up a bit and opened his eyes.

“Where am I?” He asked

The nurse jumped, startled and placed a hand on her chest. She breathed in r
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