He raised his left hand to look at his watch as he saw that it was almost 24 hours since he got his mission. Suddenly the system’s white door way appeared in front of him. Hudson picked up the gas cookers one after the other and he put them through the glass doorway. After that he went in and saw that he was in the dark alleyway that was close to his shop.

Hudson carried the gas cookers one after the other into his shop as he sat down behind his counter.

He clasped his hands in front of him after that he started brainstorming ideas that he wanted to used to look for a new shop.

He stood up front behind the counter as he has decided to go and meet up with Ajax and have him help him.


Later in the afternoon,

Hudson and Ajax were sitting on the stools in Ajax’s office next to each other.

“It has been a while I seen you, how have you been?” Ajax asked in an excited tone.

“I’ve been good and you?”

“Great, I know you didn’t just come to see me, do you have a new mission? Or do
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