Weird Dream

It was a quiet night, and Claude was sound asleep when he suddenly stirred in his dream. A unique ringing tone filled his ears, jolting him awake.

The ringing continued, making his head and ears packed in uncomfortableness.

"Hmmm...what the heck is that sound? Who's setting up the alarm!?" Claude cried out, trying to earn a response, but what he got was nothing but silence.

Feeling bewildered, he hastily rose from his lying position to stand. His drowsiness quickly dissipated as he took in his surroundings. The air was thick with an ancient smell, like something he had never experienced before.

As he looked around, he realized that he was no longer in his dorm room, or even in his own world for that matter. Instead, he found himself standing in a vast, empty space that seemed to stretch on forever. The floor beneath his feet was cold and hard, a smooth white expanse that appeared to go on forever. In front of him loomed a towering structure that seemed to reach up into the ver
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