Dump house?
The ruthless demon towered over the cowering goblin, its eyes glowing red in the dim light of the forest.

The goblin had lost all of his comrades in the battle that had been raging for minutes and was now at the mercy of the demon that had led the attack.

"Please, spare me," the goblin pleaded, his voice trembling with fear. "I surrender."

The demon let out a deep, thundering laugh. "Very wise of you, little goblin," Orah growled. "You have made the right choice. I will let you live. But there are consequences."

Instead of killing the goblin, however, the demon did something unexpected. He looked the goblin straight in the eye and muttered words in a language the goblin did not understand.

Suddenly, the goblin felt a strange sensation coursing through his body. He paled, but at the same time, a strange sense of loyalty blossomed within him. He looked up at Orah with wide eyes and suddenly realized what had just happened.

"You... you manipulated my mind just like your friend did with Ro
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