Chapter 94

Now that you have destroyed the world what else would a helpless old man like me be doing here on earth. Go ahead and kill me"

Samata shortly stepped out with her fingers bloody. she had killed the Seer.

Goge and Arore with the Prophetess arrived the Sea and boarded a ship. Meanwhile where Lume was with Aromo she had begged her not to do what she had decided to do, begged her to please spare her life and not enter the land of Akozo with her but then it wasn't what was expected by Lume because Arome had made up her mind and nothing was going to stop her.

"Don't tell me not to take you to Akozo Queen..If you are left here or with your daughter and those with her who claim to be doing the right thing what good will you do for her or for anyone. You know why I must take you to the Queen of Akozo? Because already I'm owing her, owing to the fact that because of me her son Akiza died. I want to make it up to her my dear and there is only one way to do that, to present to her that which she
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