57 Ben the culprit...!

As Eva arrived at the hospital, she diligently sought out the room number mentioned during their phone conversation. Eventually, she located him, lying motionless on life support.

Entering the room with a serious demeanor, she meticulously reviewed his medical reports, careful to avoid arousing any suspicion.

"Ma'am," he struggled to open his eyes and spoke with great effort.

She approached him, leaning in closer to whisper,

"How did you end up here? What exactly happened?"

The man who called Eva was the detective she had hired to investigate Serra and the dubious doctor's whereabouts. Yet, here he was, confined to a hospital bed in critical condition. She was stunned to find that man in her own hospital, whom she had been trying to reach for a week.

"I had an accident a week ago. I was on my way to the hospital to inform you about an extremely urgent matter since I couldn't reach you by phone," he explained, exerting himself.

Eva simply nodded, conveying her attentiveness as there
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