Hard to Get

Noah tipped her hat as the wind picked up. Her flowing hair was a little messy because she had long hair. Not all of her hair was covered by the hat, making it difficult for Noah. She held her hat and hair with both hands. Her gaze lowered, not knowing that someone was nearby. Noah was surprised when the person cleared his throat, scaring her. She was about to move from her seat but someone sitting not far from her pulled out a pocket knife from his pocket, Noah widened her eyes and shook her head slowly.

"Where are you going, Miss?" The person played with the switchblade in front of Noah. The woman looked around the park, it was quiet. She didn't realize that twilight had passed and turned dim. The park was deserted, there were probably a few people still in the park. Mostly lovers who were busy with their own intimacy. The distance between Noah and the couple was also quite far. Maybe if she screamed, people would ignore her. People would think that Noah was fighting with her boyfri
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