Chapter 1430
"A soirée" Sylvia's expression twisted with puzzlement upon receiving the Pentras's invitation. "What scheme are the Pentras up to this time?"

She knew well that the Pentras' soirée came with strings attached. With the distributors breaking away from their control and their previous attempts yielding no fruit, the Pentras were undoubtedly preparing for their next move.

Eric interjected, "The Pentras have also invited John and his associates. They must have some agenda in mind. Vee, if you were in their shoes, what would be the most beneficial way to conduct such an event?"

The Pentras weren't known for charitable endeavors—there had to be a purpose behind every gathering. Even if it were for charity, it was merely a means to mobilize affluent individuals for donations.

"Let's first assess the current situation," Sylvia suggested. "The distributors have severed ties, and being an aristocratic family, the Pentras won't tolerate such defiance."

"Given these circumstances, the Pentras
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