Chapter 4 Subjugation... Fall.

I know this isn’t the right time, but I never did get to read the ‘materials’ dad sent over. I was either too tired from the training or hard no time to do so… I should have dedicated some time to doing that. I miss them so~~.

We got into a heavy looking SUV parked at the bay. I was told it was equipped with heavy armour and reinforced with magic.There’s also some few Magitech equipped but the explanations and exacts were too long and difficult to understand so I just shut them out at the time.

The bay would have had many such vehicle on another other day but just a couple was around… And at the supposed entrance was—not where we just came through—was same swirling portal I had use to get into this place, only a few times wider.

We all took the open back, Ro, Hoshi and I on one side facing Yasagawa-san who had Onyx lying on her lap. Shinosaki-san took shotgun immediately pulling out a tray from beneath the glove compartment, and opened the laptop which was hooked to it. Been already
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