Chapter 241

As the family members reached the grand hall, their eyes naturally gravitated towards Oliver and Logan, who were seated in the room. The atmosphere carried a hint of confusion as the unexpected presence of the two newcomers sparked curiosity among the family members. Nevertheless, they all gracefully took their seats, their gazes fixed on Oliver and Logan, awaiting an introduction.

One of the men, his demeanor exuding a sense of authority, directed his cold gaze towards Oliver and Logan. His voice carried an undertone of sternness as he posed the question that lingered in the room. "Who are you two?" he inquired, his words sharp and direct.

Oliver, sensing the coldness in the man's tone, got up about to reply to him, but Garcia stepped forward and held Oliver's hands. This shocked the rest of the family members; it was shocking to see Garcia hold someone's hands. Alice was the only person who mostly got that privilege.

"Allow me to introduce my brothers," Garcia began, her voice fille
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