“GET THE HELL OUT OF THE STREETS! GO!” Stubs commanded the rest of his men.

“Get away from the windows! Mark!” Red instructed.

The explosion then rang all around us, rattling windows and kicking dust. A few rounds landed really close to the building we were in—thankfully, none of those landed on top of us. The shelling lasted for only less than a couple minutes, but it surely scared the hell out of us. when it fell silent, we poked our heads out and looked out the windows. Most of the platoon seemed to be okay, and we got out of to the streets again.

Stubs then told us to move across the intersection and take the now empty machine gun nest and settle there.

“We’ll stay here for the moment,” he said. “Dukeman, take three men and cover our south. Hal, take four and face east. They might be coming down on us really soon,”

The Platoon then took a little break, drinking water and such. A few of them even lit cigarettes, thinking this break would be long. The rest of them checked for am
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