Principal Rojo spent some moments inspecting the fallen Jerry. He wasn't sure he had seen very correctly.

"What powers was this which I just saw?" He found it difficult to believe and digest the fact that the boy he just knocked out tried to use the power of lightning against him. That he definitely had never seen.

"Lock him up in a different cell. Make sure they lack nothing and keep them guarded always. He ordered no one but soon another group of staff came running to do his bidding.

He continued towards the door and tugged at it to open it. But was unable to do so. When he tried harder he noticed that unless he destroyed the door he would be unable to pass through it. He didn't need to think so much before he realized that however it was done, it was obvious that the door was locked by one of the students to prevent his passage. Levi wouldn't let him cross after he had knocked Jerry out.

"You would certainly grow to be bigger if you continue this way I really encourage this." He
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