Billionaire God System

8 ratings

Billionaire God System

By: Dark Crafter OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 52 views: 8.8K

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Asher has always been at the bottom of society due to poverty. He lost his job, Lost his girlfriend, Almost lost his life and got framed of stealing all on the same day. His life was close to its end with no powerful family to back him up against his foes. But then due to mysterious encounter with an old man, his fate changed. [[ BILLIONAIRE GOD SYSTEM ONLINE ]] [[ DING! Money has been sent to your account ]] A system that rewards more money for spending money. A system that grants monetary reward for task completed. [[ Worth: $100 Trillion ]]

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  • Ma Werlinda Akmad


    its nis story love it

    2024-06-09 03:34:26
  • GCsage


    Another masterpiece on meganovel

    2024-02-09 17:45:17
  • GCsage


    Update frequently...

    2024-02-09 17:44:51
  • Chessman


    Me patiently waiting for updates!!

    2024-02-03 22:42:28
  • Tammie Lanier


    Please continue to updte

    2024-05-25 08:09:05
  • Sivaprakash A


    No updates but there is a new book ...

    2024-04-16 11:31:47
  • Tammie Lanier


    So far so good. Love the characters but the name change is a common mistake, especially when writing more than one book

    2024-04-02 20:41:30
  • Terry Wong


    In the first chapter, Asher's gf is Sheila, but her name is Carherine in the next chapter. Very poor editing.

    2024-03-29 09:31:14
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52 chapters
Asher stood and stared at his watch with a confused look on his face, "Why is time so frickin fast today?"He had woken up really early and prepared himself to go to work. However, before he knew it, it was already 7, and there was no taxi going in his direction."Why is my luck always so bad on the day I need it most?" Asher complained.Today, he would finally get a promotion and start earning enough to buy a house after two years of salary and engage his beautiful girlfriend, Catherine."Ring City, Ring City..." An old-looking driver yelled at him from his worn-out taxi, pointing in the west direction."I have no choice." Asher sighed. He had been waiting for almost ten minutes now, but not a single driver out of the plethora of drivers was going his way.Finally finding one, the car didn't look that good. Anyway, since he had no choice, he grabbed his suitcase and rushed into the car."Son, you dressed so nicely today," the old man smiled at him while observing him through the rear-
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Million dollar
"Where am I?"Asher's eyes opened, greeted by white walls. He looked left, noticing a heart rate monitor beeping steadily, a sterile scent lingering, and the soft hum of medical equipment. Nurses in scrubs hurried past the half-open door, and distant conversations echoed, confirming his suspicion – he was in a hospital room."How did I get here?" he asked himself.The last thing he recalled was the heartbreaking scene at his workplace – losing both his girlfriend and job on the same day. How bad could his life be?Soon, a nurse rushed into the room upon noticing Asher was up. She was a blonde-haired lady with a nice figure, dressed in a neat, pretty nurse uniform."How are you feeling?" she asked, checking the heart rate monitor."I feel alright. But how did I get here? Who brought me here?" he inquired."A kind old man brought you here and paid all the bills for you. You don't have to worry about the payment. Just get healed quickly," she smiled."Old man, did he tell you his name or
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Scheme of a genius
Asher was not seriously injured, so he was discharged from the hospital without trouble. The nurse, a kind lady, bought a new set of clothes for him to change into.Boarding a taxi back home, Asher was deep in thought about the mysterious entity in his possession. A yellow-black taxi stopped in front of a small bungalow, and a young handsome man with fluffy black hair and crystal blue eyes walked out, dressed plainly. It was none other than Asher; he paid the driver, and the taxi drove off immediately.Nevertheless, he was greeted with a troublesome scene. Catherine was packing his clothes and throwing them on the ground."Catherine!" He called her name angrily. This woman had no pity at all, breaking his heart and throwing his things away. How much would she prove she hated him?"So you're back? I guess you must have gone to visit one of your side chicks to beg for money as usual. Not like I care what you do outside; that won't stop me from throwing your things away." She scoffed, to
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Brighton and Catherine were surprised by his change of attitude; he was definitely depressed and trying to act differently. They didn't even care."See you at work tomorrow," Brighton stomped his feet, and they left."See you guys too."After waving at them with a smile, he walked inside and waited for the system to boot completely.[[ Booting completed ]][[ The system has merged with your world and would now prepare a grand scheme to make you take over the world. All you have to do is complete all important missions ]]"I am ready to complete any mission; bring it on!"[[ Great! Mission 1 has appeared ]][[ MISSION 1 ]]1: Break up with Catherine.2: Humiliate Catherine and her new man[[ Reward: 5 Million ]][[ Deadline: 1 Week ]][[ Punishment: None ]]"Ah, system, I love you for this; I was already planning to do just that, and now that you have said it. I will do it and make those two pay."[[ Note: Host has to prepare a scheme that beats all plans and expectations of those two.
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Disrespectful receptionist
'Why did they call me a thief? What kind of rumor is going around about me at the office?? What have those two done?' He yelled inwardly, subconsciously drawn away from what happened around him."Are you deaf!!" The two guards yelled, dragging him out of his daze."See, you two, how about we make a deal?""We don't make deals with losers?? Turn around and leave!!""What if there is money involved?""Money, you don't even have money to get yourself clothes and here you are, talking about making a deal with money."Asher only smiled wryly, "I will give you guys one hundred dollars each, and you will let me in.""One hundred dollars? Are you going to steal? I'm sure it's impossible to find something valuable in someone like you."Asher smiled and whipped out a bundle of cash, "See, 1 thousand dollars, and I'll give you guys 10% each of this money. It is more than the tip you will ever make in a day."The two guards stared at each other; this money was indeed big. Although in the eyes of
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Mrs. Ariana
Asher has only had this system for less than two days, yet he has already studied its structure and planned to leverage it to his advantage.Just now, he could have easily slapped the money on the face of the disrespectful employee and Brighton, but he held back, knowing that the system would trigger a quest with a rewarding outcome."Asher, you're a thief, you deserve to be in jail. Once the boss sees you tomorrow, he'll hand you over to the cops, poor..." Brighton spat out nonsense."Brighton, shut up," Asher retorted.Silence followed his retort.The employee was beyond surprised, "Are you out of your mind? A thief is talking to someone in high class with so much boldness. Do you want to die?"Asher scoffed, "It is you who wants to die, you also want to lose your job.""Lose my job? How? Because of a thief like you who wants to scam this hotel? I would get a raise; this hotel would give me a raise for this because I prevented a loss.""Shut up, disrespectful b*tch. Tell me the pric
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Nathan, wannabe be gangster boss
"Welcome to Gold Lush Hotel's highest premium membership," Ariana smiled kindly and extended her hand for a handshake.Just moments ago, when she walked down, she was mentally stressed from the paperwork she went through upstairs. When she saw Asher, she thought he was here to ask for a job and later learned he was actually trying to scam.She could have blasted her lungs out and sent guards to chase him out, but she professionally decided against it and acted kindly. She even promised to give him the lowest-cost room, which she was willing to pay from her pocket money. Turns out, she was wrong about him."Nice doing business with you. When will I be getting the black card?"To Asher, Ariana was a kind lady. She knew he would be poor because of his clothes but didn't insult him. Such people deserve higher pay and recognition.Ariana smiled, "We will get it done immediately. Give me your full name and your ID card."Brighton stood in a corner, short of words. This thief had his way aro
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Prime-M is part of the top ten busiest business groups in Larian City. They have only been around for less than two years, but due to their consistency and good work ethics, they've climbed the business ladder without help from big families.Inside, at an office on the 3rd floor, Asher, dressed in plain clothes, stood in front of a middle-aged man with ponytail black hair. He is the boss of Prime-M, Jaden Owen."Asher, you've been a good worker for this company. Your work ethic was perfect, and I received no complaints from any customer that did business with you in the past. But why is everything changing? Why did you steal one million dollars from the company?" Jaden Owen asked with a calm look on his face.Although there were rumors that Asher stole the money, Jaden didn't believe it, as he didn't even trust the person who brought the rumors. In fact, that person was standing beside Asher – Catherine, dressed in a fine blue dress revealing a large part of her cleavage, and Brighton
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At another office in Prime-M. "Two days ago, Asher was sacked, around what time was he sacked and how did it happen?" "Oh, that? Well, Asher pissed off Brighton by disrupting his session with Catherine and out of anger under a false pretense of carrying out responsibility, he fired Asher." "Oh, so what you are trying to say is that Asher didn't deserve to be fired?" "Yup, but you didn't hear this from me, I don't want to lost my job." Two pretty ladies in suits discussed. After the discussion, the one asking the questions left the room and went outside to meet two police officers, Jaden, Asher, Catherine and Brighton. Jaden looked at Jaden and Catherine, "So this is what you really did? We have asked seven workers already and they all said the same thing." Brighton head was bowed, he couldn't reply. But Asher kept a confident smile, he already knew who stole the money but he was only bringing up this scheme in order for them to find out themselves. Last night, while at the ho
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Humiliating Brighton and Catherine
Jaden looked at the two of them for an extra two minutes, shook his head, and then turned to Asher with an apologetic look on his face."Asher, sorry for the false accusation laid on you. As you can see, it was all false rumors.""No need, I have already forgotten about this from the beginning. How can I be angry when some dumbass made the whole thing up to disgrace me and make you hate me so much not to give me back the job?""About the job, Asher, I have studied your working pattern for the past few days. Your work ethic is good, so I have decided to promote you to the position of office manager; you will be taking over from Catherine."Catherine's eyes widened, "Boss, I'm sorry if I have erred against you, but that position is my life."Brighton chimed in, "Boss Jaden, Catherine does a better job than Asher."Jaden shook his head, "Brighton, I have changed my mind. Asher would be taking over your position as well."Hearing this, Brighton's knees weakened, his eyes turned red with s
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