Her name was Sheila, and she was his first love. After years of courtship, they decided to get married, and that was when tragedy struck.

"Everything is ready. The bride's gown, the cake, the hall and the decoration. I hope you have gotten our wedding rings?" The woman nestling into the chest of her lover asked as she peered into his face.

"Of course, honey. They were delivered some hours ago, and it's safe inside my locker."

"I pray we don't forget anything," the woman muttered as she raised herself into a seating position, wore her white scandals and stood up with a fixed smile.

"Take it easy. I know the wedding is once in a lifetime experience, but that doesn't mean we should go crazy over it... And where are you going?"

"To my dad's home. I am not yet your wife until I say I do on the altar tomorrow."

"You can't leave me like this, honey."

"I will, dear. I need to make sure everything is done to my taste."

The man on the bed moaned for a while shrugged and stood up. And a
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