Arc 6 Side Story: Family Dinner


"A father and a son, a son and a father. They sit together at the dinner table for the first time in seven years, but still, the two of them don't talk.

On my right side lies the son an Anathematized human. He is a rude boy who says vulgarities neverendingly to the point where I will soon wash out his mouth with soap. The great little annoyance Iancu.

And on my left and at the head of the table lies a nightmare, the great inventor and man who many consider a modern-day genius, Avram Bogdan.

The son who seemingly hates his father turns his head away trying to act as if my words don't bother him. While the father looks straight ahead removing his annoying son's existence from his mind.

Seeking attention Iancu puts his feet on the table to elicit a response from his father, but not getting one he puts them down as he realizes how embarrassing and disgusting it is.

The tension in the room is so flavourful and well-aged, that one could even get drunk off of it. There is little as i
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