chapter 48: Who are you?

After eating the fruit, Charlie sat down before the broken tree to digest its energy.

Blue lightning coursed through his veins, rendering his whole body numb in the process.

While focusing on digesting the energy, Charlie entered a deep state of enlightenment as he witnessed the lightning coursed through his body.

Few minutes later, he found himself on a vast grassland, standing atop a lone mountain in the area. He saw every part the grassland in a bird's eye view.

A crystal clear river covered in blue lightning could be seen 100meters west, below the mountain.

Suddenly, the river flashed with lightning, and a young boy made entirely of lightning walked out of the river.

The boy looked up at him and smiled, sending shivers down Charlie's spine. The boy looked exactly like him, with face, height, and even smile, except that he's made entirely of lightning.

Charlie rubbed his face, to be sure if what he was seeing is the real deal. but immediately after doing that, the lightning Charlie
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