Chp 221 - The Awakening

Laura’s awakening was messy, to say the least. She woke up hours later feeling disoriented, groggy and out of it. It took her a while to recognise Damien. Then she blurted out “I love you” thoughtlessly. In the next moment, she was shouting bout feeling so thirsty, then she started pulling at her hair and agitating about hating her skin. Her clothes felt too tight. Her head hurt and she felt like she would die if she did not eat something.

Damien knew what was happening. Despite how much he wanted to ignore it, the inevitable couldn’t be denied. Laura had become a vampire and if he did not do something about it, she would die within the first hour of her awakening. He tried to talk to her during that moment to see if she would rather choose to die than become a fully-formed vampire, yet it was like singing a lullaby to a deaf kid. She could hear him. She seemed to have some iota of consciousness but she was not comprehending what he was saying.

“Okay, okay. Can I eat now?” was the ans
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