Chp 220 - Laura's Death

It finally dawned on Damien why Sky/Ulric wanted him to see him draining the life out of Laura. It was just so he could make a difficult decision or live eternally with the guilt of causing the death of the girl that he only belatedly realized he loved.

Tears trailed down Morgan’s face as she stood up. “It is no use. I…I can’t do it. There is nothing to draw from. I can’t heal her.” She spread her bloodied hands to the sides as anguish soaked her voice. “My hands are filled with her blood, and I can’t bring her back. I was supposed to be better than this”

“Now, now. You shouldn’t beat yourself up, A Ghra. This is not your fault” he looked straight at Damien over Morgan’s head “This mess was not for you to sort”

“What the hell did you just call me? How can you be so cold and glib right now?” Morgan lashed out at him. “An innocent girl is dying for God’s sake. She did nothing wrong! She is dying and there is nothing I can do. That… bastard drained her lifeblood. He wanted us to watch h
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