Chp 226 - A Decision To Make

Total darkness filled the whole house as the power supply went off all of a sudden. The only silhouette that could be seen was the dark mass gathering again in the middle of the room. It was so massive and tall that it seemed like a giant was forming out of it. The witches rallied together and a spark of fire ignited above them to conquer the dark.

Light could be seen from afar but the immediate environment of Damien’s house was as dark as the void itself.

“I will purge you abominations from this earth!” came the terrifying voice of Ulric as the darkness swirled around the lights and they all went out again. One of the witches screeched, and by the time the magic light was lit again, she could be seen grabbing her throat, as blood poured out of her mouth and sunken eyes.

“We need to take this motherfucker out!” Liam shouted and the rest were right with him. Damien took the lead as they charged the dark mass again. Damien released the orb and every protective substance he had in t
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