Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Lorenzo tossed the cup to the floor and picked his wife up, Luca and the other guards rushed in. “get Alessandro and one of you should get the car.”

“Yes sir,” Luca replied as a maid opened the door for him to go out. The maybach was sitting in front of the house, the chauffeur opened the door to the car.

Luca put Alessandro in the backseat with his parents then he went to the back seat. He dispatched about thirty other guards to follow them while seven of them remained at home to watch over Nana.

“Daddy, what’s wrong with mom?” Sandro rubbed his eyes, he was just waking up and trying to register what was going on.

“Please put the car on lock,” Lorenzo asked the driver for Sandro’s sake. He was sitting beside the wall. “Luca, please call the hospital to wait for us at the entrance.”

“Mommy is a little sick, we need to take her to the hospital for treatment.'' He hopes that Sandro buys his story because he was a smart boy and was going to read the situation.

“She had blood
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